Search results

  1. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Foraging for fungi

    Make sure you are identifying mushrooms for the area you are harvesting in. Just an example of one, but..... Back in the '60 a good friend's mother put her whole family in the hospital for the weekend. The (somewhat) poisonous ones in Ariz looked exactly (to her anyway) like the ones she had...
  2. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West blankets or sleeping bag?

    Hacky Sack is the brand of 2 person indoor bag we use. I believe that brand is gone, but other brands are still available as mentioned earlier. Zippers both sides. Thinner summer weight side, and heavier cool temperature side. Velcro in U shaped sheet that removes easy for laundering. We use a...
  3. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West clearance lights

    I gather that clearance lights are REQUIRED on Alaskan Campers traveling at night in the down positions? I guess I might kinda understand on a BIG camper, but the Alaskans aren't much taller than the cab....?? All states? Please bring me up to speed... Ok, I looked it up. Anything over 80...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West No see-um bug netting

    Among the pop-ups, which have tight no-see-ums screens, either std or as an option? I would think all the current campers would, since those little buggers can ruin a camping trip in very short order.... ...and a spouse/GF/SO/family might never submit to a camping trip again after one really bad...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Sawhorses for my Alaskan

    This old camper.... Good blog on your Alaskan Camper.
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Air in lift system

    ^^^ Well..... Please share it with us. Inquiring minds want to know.... :-)
  7. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Truck 'n TC with 5th wheel behind?

    Vids on company's site. Several on various aspects, including reverse. Dolly wheels can turn/unlock with 8 or so blinker flashes for turning. Locked for reverse I believe. Dolly wheels lock above ~35 mph. Guy has spent a lot of time and engineering effort developing it. Good reviews from those...
  8. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Drinking house (camper) water

    Differing opinion on keeping fresh water in the tank. Something to weigh....
  9. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Truck 'n TC with 5th wheel behind?

    Independent (?) review: Another: Well, Mr. Truck does another review, but WTW will not display his YouTube address...? Strange.... Google can give you more
  10. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Truck 'n TC with 5th wheel behind?

    On one of the many truck camper forums there was questions back when (?) about a flatbed for a camper plus the option of a 5th wheel hitch in the middle of the flatbed for versatility of the truck. Obviously very doable. I can't find it now to tag this on, but this might be a very interesting...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Condensation - Roof Vents - windows

    Personally, I'm seeing the better balance (for me) being a little bit of ventilation and the addition of insulation.... As opposed to just accepting a tin can's functionality. Foam insulation sheets are very cheap. It can be added as an "after thought" as a project. Every little bit helps...
  12. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Condensation - Roof Vents - windows

    Not an expert here at all, but it seemed to me that high as possible R-value insulation in the walls and "double pane" (read insulating) windows are the most effective way to defeat condensation. In other words, at the purchase point? Obviously the moisture load (# of people/critters inside)...
  13. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Drinking house (camper) water

    Ok, MAYBE I'm being too fussy based on feedback here, I think I'll keep on being careful. I'm more comfortable that way, if perhaps nothing else. Parents. Grandparents.... One takeaway (for those receptive) is that if you are casual with the maintenance of your camper house water, seriously...
  14. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Drinking house (camper) water

    I believe from both observation and reading/schooling that marginal water (non pathogen, but micro biologically "rich") can twist a healthy persons gut into a roar, but that over time a persons immune system can develop a resistance/tolerance and do fine. Example is Mexico. Locals do fine...
  15. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Drinking house (camper) water

    Thanks for keeping it a rational discussion, folks, instead of becoming advasarial on the subject. Good points have been brought up, and thoughtful discussion. Bravo! Win-win.
  16. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Drinking house (camper) water

    Yep. Life is risky. So it makes good sense to reduce risk as much as reasonably possible. Risk of driving? When I drive, I drive a reasonable speed, stop at red lights, and follow the other rules of the road to reduce risk. I expect most of us do, since it makes good sense. The results of doing...
  17. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West GPS targeted at the RV and/or Senior crowd..... + pre planning tip.

    One other thing it does. It knows when you are speeding based on its database, and will give a verbal alert of some sort. I have to assume it can be turned off for when your wife is along and that feature isn't needed/redundant....:-)
  18. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Drinking house (camper) water

    If your doing "most" things right, and have a robust immune system, likely you'll be fine. You especially don't want to do several things wrong. I bring this up especially for us old retired guys/gals who's immune system isn't what it once was due to age. There are also younger folks who have...
  19. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Drinking house (camper) water

    When going camping my practice is to carry drinking/cooking water along and reserve the "house water"/tank water for dishes, washing up, showers, and yes, dog BOWL water. Lol. I open the petcock on the rear of my Alaskan Camper so on the way home the tank water drains on the uphill grades (no HW...
  20. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West GPS targeted at the RV and/or Senior crowd..... + pre planning tip.

    A good friend's GPS died recently, and he replaced it with a Garmin from Good Sam's/Camping World designed (softwared) specifically for RVers. It has all the RV parks/camping areas noted on the moving map (sounds like). Also, hospitals are marked on the map display, too, plus other things of...
  21. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Draining anti-freeze from Camper

    Sorry. Gotta ask this. Does the RV antifreeze mar the bumper to a degree it can't be rinsed off? 2nd question that somewhat explains the first. On my Alaskan camper I have just drained the system for years. Should I be using RV antifreeze? It gets well below zero F some years in central...
  22. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Lightweight Ladders for Camper-Roof Access

    FD attic ladders (folding). New. Very light weight. Narrow. Various lengths. Quality ($), but worth it to some. If you remove your...
  23. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Storage Solutions

    Iowahiker: That is the beauty of being able to customize all our rigs to fit our individual needs/wants/pocketbooks/pursuits/etc. I do like your style, and I enjoyed your post (thank you), but if I went with your program..... I would have a ton more room, since I would be only packing for, and...
  24. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Stock aluminum or Yakima racks

    There is pure elemental aluminum, and then there are many various al alloys just called "aluminum". Alloying with other metals give the al the various properties needed to make it function better in its many various demanding applications. I'm not an expert (metallurgist) by a looong ways, but...
  25. F

    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Stock aluminum or Yakima racks

    It is mentioned that there are corrosion issues with Yakima Racks in a salty/beach environment. That is like saying bears **** in the woods. I own a beach house. That salty moist air environment will eventually get to any common metal I know about. Some (most?) metals submit very rapidly...
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