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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West camper cover - any interest?

    Jim - sorry for not following up to your questions yesterday. 'Affordable' is clearly a relative term for each of us but for the product you are describing, somewhere around $350 would seem reasonable. Like Frank though, I would also be interested in having the clear plastic window for the...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West camper cover - any interest?

    Jim - I would be interested in one for my Fleet so long as it is custom fit for that model and is somewhat affordable. Thanks for your post.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nevada's Silver Peak Range

    Ski - your trip reports continue to be an inspiration. Thanks for another great one from a rarely traveled area. Looking forward to Part 2. steelhead
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Cape Lookout (Oregon) Quickie

    First time to have the Fleet out for quite awhile. The report is brief compared to most of the posts on this forum but it is here if anyone is interested: Cape Lookout Quickie Happy camping everyone!
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West New FWC Portland Dealer & Portland Sportsman Show Dates

    This is great news Stan. Hopefully their services will not be needed for our Fleet but it is nice to know that FWC has representation in our area.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West FWC in the Portland OR area?

    Side dinette.....
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West FWC in the Portland OR area?

    Sorry that I missed this post as I would have been happy to show you our Fleet which resides in a Portland suburb (Beaverton). Would be happy to show it to you if you come back another time. steelhead
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Buy FWC, Quit Jobs, Drive to Argentina

    Here are a few other ideas to consider for going with the factory mounts for the Yakima tracks. They would give you the capability to attach a solar panel to the rack system when you are ready and give you the option to add a Rocket box for additional storage. Given the length of your journey...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Water pump won't!

    Update on our water pump problem and a few notes about de- and re- installing it. After a conversation with Sureflo Customer Service we removed the pump and took it apart. There were no obviously damaged components. Sureflo thought we should try one of their repair kits but it needed to be...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Help in PDX needed! Deer + Truck = Remove FWC

    RFC - good to read that your jacks arrived. Best of luck with your truck and happy camping.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Fleet Maiden Voyage

    Congratulations from here too Bernard and welcome to the FWC club. Just get ready to answer questions about it everywhere you go. Happy camping!
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Help in PDX needed! Deer + Truck = Remove FWC

    I can help as well. My jacks are laying on the garage floor as I have been too lazy to put them in their storage spots since putting our Fleet on for the summer. I am in Beaverton. Depending on where you live, I could probably bring them over and we could get the camper off. PM me if you are...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Biolite Camp Grill

    A quick follow up about this stove. After using it about 15 times over the past year (yeah, we have not been getting out enough), we are as impressed with it as when we first brought it home. After some experimentation, we think that using wood pellets for grills (like the Traeger product) with...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Water pump won't!

    Thanks Otis. Fortunately we do not have the water heater either. Although it looks like it will take some contortion to get the pump out/in, it should hopefully be simpler than taking off the front panel - that operation looks like a full-on pain.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Water pump won't!

    Thanks for the info Smoke - much appreciated.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Water pump won't!

    Apologies for taking this thread back to water pumps instead of fishing. The water pump in our Fleet has stopped working and I suspect I will be replacing it or fixing it. In the Fleet, it is a bit difficult to get to. Otis - in your replacements/repairs, did you take off the front panel of the...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West The Sweetwater Mountains

    Another great report ski. We love the Sweetwater range too and used to ski tour on the east side occasionally when we lived in Reno. Your report brought back a lot of memories - thanks!
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Hawk owner needs advice for removal and storage

    Crookedtail, We store our Fleet outside on dirt that is not level. We use stand jacks from Harbor Freight (link below) that sit on concrete squares from Home Depot. 4x4's sit on top of the jacks, across the front and back of the floor to support it. Works very well for our situation. Good luck...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Question re Fleet options

    When we ordered our Fleet last year, we also struggled with the front versus side dinette decision. Clearly there are pros and cons to both. We opted for the side dinette because we thought it felt better to us (we are not large people) but really wanted to be able to see out the window...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Project Report: Solar Install on a Fleet

    Bwht4x4 - I think I had a serious brain freeze when taking the measurements yesterday. For some unknown reason, I thought you wanted the distances between the screw holes on the face plate, not the mounting plate. If you like, I will measure the holes on the flange. But I expect that the...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Project Report: Solar Install on a Fleet

    Bwht4x4 - On the 2025, the center to center distances for the screw holes are as follows: Horizontal holes: 2 and 7/16 inches Vertical: 3 and 5/8 inches Let me know if you need anything else. Good luck with your installation.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Project Report: Solar Install on a Fleet

    Bwht4x4 - I will take the measurements this afternoon and get them posted for you. ntsdq - wow, sincere thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough explanation. It confirms what I suspected but understanding why it matters is helpful. Now the tough decision is whether to take it all...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West New Fleet

    Very nice to read that the screen door is no longer an option - way to go FWC, About the rear view mirrors - on our Fleet we keep the curtains open and there is limited visibility through the camper out to the back. I find it useful for highway driving. The side view mirrors on our 2013 Tacoma...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West New Fleet

    Welcome Bernard. Early suggestion from here is to think hard about the screen door option. It is much easier to have it installed as part of the build rather than later. Good luck with thinking about all the choices - it will keep you busy for awhile.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Project Report: Solar Install on a Fleet

    Bwht4x4 - i can definitely take those measurements but I am curious about why you want them. Are you considering a flush mount? If not, all you need to do is drill a hole for the wire coming from the batteries - no other cutout is required. I thought about the flush mount but in the end decided...
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