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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Take A Ride With Me

    Thanks for posting the video, the sound from the engine gives me goose bumps. It sounds so similar to a high rev motorcycle engine. Never did any race then some track days at Sears Point and Laguna. Really miss the sound and smell at the track. Is the video shot at Thunder Hill? Yep, that's...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Take A Ride With Me

    Keep The Can Opener Handy And if you do this, you better have a taste for beans, about the only trips you'll be making is ones to the bank, especially if you can't keep the car off the bank. Never had a herion habit, but I hear that racing is just as bad.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West With the in laws on the road..

    Remember tequila it just isn't for breakfast anymore. I admire people who are willing to take big risks, and maybe do something a little dangerous, and spending a few days in a FourWheel camper with your mother in law sounds pretty dangerous to me. I'll say it again, DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Take A Ride With Me

    Zonk I know you're from my era, you like the rest of us first gen. racers refer to what was my home track as Sears Point. I figured somebody here probably tried racing at some point. I spent from 1975 to 1985 trying to get to the runoffs in FF, started with a Crossle' 32f, then an ADF, and...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West With the in laws on the road..

    We are getting ready to pick up the in laws in San Francisco, taking them on a trip to the Sequoia National Park, back to Big Sur, down the coast. Well, that is gonna take us some time. Does anyone have any experience with five adults (sister in law, too) in a Grandby FW Camper? Help me to...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nida Core Interior??

    Anyone thought about using Nida Core to build out the interior? Just wondering how user friendly it really is - seems simple enough... I keep thinking that I'd like to gut the interior and build it out again (a little personalization can go a long way, right?)...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Take A Ride With Me A friend of mine who developed this camera system allowed me to run a couple of laps with his system, his name is Nick, thanks Nick. We want to install one of these systems on our car. It was a quickie install, but I think you'll get the idea. Thank you again GoPro...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West It's An Irish Thing

    Two Irishmen are in a pub, one asks the other if he's a local,"No I'm not"........"what village are you from then?"..........he says "Langford".......Amaaazing .......I'm from Langford as well......what school did you attend......the one across the road from the pond......I went to the same...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Like looking in a mirror

    And who might that be!!! I agree Salty I loved them especially my 78 Targa with the '84 930 engine in it. But it is a rich mans car and since I'm not of that ilk it sat except for special occasions. Like every Saturday morning at the break of dawn on Angeles Crest Hwy. But it found a good...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West One More Time

    If You're Interested Mac Hodges is the name of the guy flying the B29, this is the second airplane, the first one lasted 16yrs. until a wing spar broke doing the flat spin manuver. He has a farm outside of Americus Ga. where he built quite a large RC airfield. They do 3 or 4 shows in the summer...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Like looking in a mirror

    Forgive me if I'm not current on the "rising" costs of *Male Enhancement*, fisherman! However, no matter what it costs, after 25 years of seeing the part-time Richie-Rich's acting out as if they own the place in such vehics --- I'm >>still
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Like looking in a mirror

    My wife always laughs at the Sugar-daddy's (it's Vail, after all) when they are sportin'/showing off their "50 thousand dollar Pen*s" (50K for Porsche...the Lambi's and the Ferraris get the more exclusive 100K tag...LOL) :rolleyes: BTW, I never wave at the Lance's on the road because I...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Like looking in a mirror

    Because FWC/ATC's are special. Porches not so much. You don't know if the other Porche driver is a big fan or a big douche trying to show off. They may have earned their money the hard way, or pushed mortgage securities on small banks. That other Porche might even be an....automatic.. *gasp*...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Like looking in a mirror

    Many years ago when I had a few Porches it would drive me crazy when you would pass one and they would wave or flash their lights. At first i thought it was because I had a 356 Cabriolet and it was a bit rare. However the same was true when I had my 912 and 911 Targa. My wife asked why I...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West One More Time

    Salty, I think the Dawg is the ony one that can delete stuff but as I'm sure you will attest I'm no genius, You're probably right, but a while back when I made another screw up I'm pretty sure I did delete one, I think.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West One More Time

    Not An easy thing to do, kind of gives a new meaning to the term "model airplane" would one of you computer geniuses tell me how to delete a post please. I want to know how much they have invested in that thing, and how many times they crashed it, before they figured out how to make it work. A...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Who says it rains in Oregon!

    Rain In Oregon? Baloney, Whitethorn, in the last 30hrs. 6 1/2 inches, we've had a late winter here, I hope things clear out before the MAIN EVENT.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West One More Time Sorry about the two previous bogus posts, it's monday I couldn't find my glasses, and when I did find the dam things it was by stepping on them, so now I'm covering my left eye because I knocked out the left lens, it's going to be a long day. Why do...
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West One More Time
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Check This Out this guy is good with a control box
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Check This Out

    http;// this guy is good with the control box
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West *Everybody Check Your Fire Extinguisher*

    Halon Is the only way to go, if you have to use it. Both boats we operate, and the race car I drive are protected by Halon systems. I thought about one for the camper, but decided if the thing catches fire, I'm walking. For the most part dry chemical ext. are useless.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Water container suggestions?

    Am I Missing Something Here?
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West The Birthday Present

    :D So were does one find these morsels? lol It's a fishing thing, the farther off shore you get, the better they are. And I'm as far off as you can get.
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    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West From Shower Enclosures to Porta Potti's

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