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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West eMail notifications about posts have stopped

    The issue was related to getting the smart phone apps working. There were some files missing that was causing the errors. I don't think we'll be able to fix the PMs if they were sent during the window when the "glitch" happened so you probably need to simply resend those PMs. I am very sorry...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West eMail notifications about posts have stopped

    Doug, I just sent you a test PM, it appeared to go through. Can you check your PMs and reply back to confirm if it's working or not? If it does not work, any details on where you are PMing from, URL, error messages or details about the failed PM would be appreciated so we can troubleshoot...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West eMail notifications about posts have stopped

    Once again, sorry about the issues. Jeff found the issue and it should be back to normal now. Please post here if you have any more issues.
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West eMail notifications about posts have stopped

    Just testing again...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West eMail notifications about posts have stopped

    I am sorry about the issues you all are having. I am going to send an email to Jeff to check into these and hopefully we will have things resolved quickly. Seeing as it's nearing the holidays, he's probably running late on buying the wife a present so hopefully he will get this tended to...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Sorry about the issues this summer

    I am sorry for the all the issues we've had to face this summer. I wanted to recap why we upgraded the software so you all can understand what happened and our plan for getting things fixed and moving forward. We had to upgrade because of some security issues with the forum software. No...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Forum Software update Tues May 28

    We setup a test site so we could practice the upgrade but the software vendors (Invision Power Board) were unwilling to help us resolve issues on the test server and insisted that they would only help on the live site. Normally we test, test, test and test some more so we know what issues to...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Wander the West has New Management

    Andy R, having buyers remorse yet? :D Haha, nope. Seems like an awesome community even though some have to suffer with dog farts. Now the KY and lovecock references, well, I just figure those are some kid of inside joke. I actually tried to Google to see if it was something I didn't know...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Wander the West has New Management

    As for changes, I know that sounds scary. I have lots of older members on some of the other sites I manage and after the first couple days they settle right in. The plan is to not change a thing for a while since there is a LOT to this site with all the spots and info that have been added...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Wander the West has New Management

    Thanks for the warm welcome, it's really a nice group of people here. We will proceed slowly getting to know everyone and asking for input as we evaluate changes in the future.
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Wander the West has New Management

    Hey Wanderers, I know it's always weird when the founder of a site posts an announcement that he's sold the site. As the new owner I'll need to earn your trust so please give me some time to continue business as usual. Social Knowledge is a tiny company so don't worry, there are no corporate...
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