eMail notifications about posts have stopped

I just got my first mail notification in days. That now seems to be working.

But I still can't reply to personal messages.
Once again, sorry about the issues. Jeff found the issue and it should be back to normal now. Please post here if you have any more issues.
Andy R said:
Once again, sorry about the issues. Jeff found the issue and it should be back to normal now. Please post here if you have any more issues.
As I mentioned above, the issues with the PMs are still not fixed (nor, for that matter, are the photo credits).

I just sent you a test PM, it appeared to go through. Can you check your PMs and reply back to confirm if it's working or not? If it does not work, any details on where you are PMing from, URL, error messages or details about the failed PM would be appreciated so we can troubleshoot this.

I pinged the guys about the photo credits. I think that had to do with the IPB upgrade debacle earlier this year. I will find out what we need to get those back.

Yes, I've now gotten two PMs and two email notifications. Thanks Andy and Steve.

What I still can't do is respond to the PMs I received a few days ago. Under the PM it says:

You cannot reply
All other recipients have left this conversation

Thanks for looking into the photo credits issue!
Doug, I have a PM like that also. I'm guessing the conversation was started and sent to me during the middle of the "glitch" and is some how screwed up.
The issue was related to getting the smart phone apps working. There were some files missing that was causing the errors. I don't think we'll be able to fix the PMs if they were sent during the window when the "glitch" happened so you probably need to simply resend those PMs. I am very sorry about that.

Stew and Frank, we just got this message from the admin tech folks -
"The issue with the photo credits should now be fixed. Please let us know if you find any members who are still not getting creddited for their photos".

Check it out.
ski3pin said:
Stew and Frank, we just got this message from the admin tech folks -
"The issue with the photo credits should now be fixed. Please let us know if you find any members who are still not getting creddited for their photos".

Check it out.
Yes, for me the photo credit issue seems to be fixed, finally! I'll continue to follow up on this, time permitting.

What about you, Frank?

Thanks to Andy and the site team for pursuing this . . .
Doug Stewart said:
Smoke, did you get the PMs I sent you a few days ago?
I seem to have a had a "lost ": period there for a while, Stu, where nothing seemed to be working when, I got some things, lost others, had things freeze but I thought it was me until I started reading this thread, but things seem to be working now thanks to the Admin folks-who are much smarter than thumbs me! Ho Ho Ho to everyone, :D !

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