eMail notifications about posts have stopped

Dughlas Stiubhart

It's good to be Stew
Dec 19, 2006
I'm no longer getting email notifications when post are made to threads I'm following. Is this only me or has this helpful feature broken or been disabled?

Also, yesterday, I had problems up-loading posts and posting to the personal messenger. Did others also have these issues?
Just now while posting the above, my screen locked up after pushing the post button. Maybe Firefox is having problems with the WtW site. Anybody else have issues out there?
Stew, same here on Safari. Both my iPad and iMac. Haven't tried FireWeasel.

I reselect WTW from the bookmark, and the post is there. Noticed it yesterday. Seems to post ok when editing.
Ted and I have been having these same problems. There have been duplicate posts showing up in the forums. The admin folks have been notified and also provided a link to this thread. Let's see if we get a report back.

Anyone else having recent problems? Let us know.
I just sent a PM to one of the admin folks. Froze up and I don't know if it went through. The conversation is not in my messager box. Also, I find I cannot reply to any of my conversations.
ski3pin said:
Ted and I have been having these same problems. There have been duplicate posts showing up in the forums. The admin folks have been notified and also provided a link to this thread. Let's see if we get a report back.

Anyone else having recent problems? Let us know.
I had a lock up after sending a PM. As W.S. says, the posts to threads show up later, but I don't know if the PMs make it through. Smoke, did you get my message?
ski3pin said:
I just sent a PM to one of the admin folks. Froze up and I don't know if it went through. The conversation is not in my messager box. Also, I find I cannot reply to any of my conversations.
I noticed a new PM I was sent in my messenger that I did not receive an email notification about. I have sent a direct email to our admin contact as a backup. Ten bucks says when I click "post" it freezes up...............................................
ski3pin said:
I noticed a new PM I was sent in my messenger that I did not receive an email notification about. I have sent a direct email to our admin contact as a backup. Ten bucks says when I click "post" it freezes up...............................................
I received duplicate PMs this morning that I didn't receive notifications about and I am also forbidden to respond to them. I think two other PMs I initiated were not received by the other party.
Doug, a couple of days ago, I tried to send you a message about skiing Hoodoo. I don't think that my attempts were successful. Let me know via posting here if they were.
Yesterday after posting, it would hang at "saving post", but when I reloaded the page, the post would be there. This is on Safari.

Edit: Yep, still doing the same thing today.
highz said:
Yesterday after posting, it would hang at "saving post", but when I reloaded the page, the post would be there. This is on Safari.

Edit: Yep, still doing the same thing today.
Me too. I thought I had lost some posts. Using Firefox on a MBP here.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Doug, a couple of days ago, I tried to send you a message about skiing Hoodoo. I don't think that my attempts were successful. Let me know via posting here if they were.
I found your PMs by chance this morning. I never received an email notification and I was prevented from responding.
In the IT community, we refer to issues like this as 'over enhancements'. Someone makes a change that creates a bug somewhere else in the application.
I am sorry about the issues you all are having. I am going to send an email to Jeff to check into these and hopefully we will have things resolved quickly. Seeing as it's nearing the holidays, he's probably running late on buying the wife a present so hopefully he will get this tended to quickly but thanks for your patience in the meantime.
Andy R said:
I am sorry about the issues you all are having. I am going to send an email to Jeff to check into these and hopefully we will have things resolved quickly. Seeing as it's nearing the holidays, he's probably running late on buying the wife a present so hopefully he will get this tended to quickly but thanks for your patience in the meantime.
You might have Jeff check the long-running photo credits issue, while he's at it.
Mine is freezing up when I post. The post goes through but the text box continues to say saving and never completes, even though the post goes through. Haven't checked for messages but will now.
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