100acrehuphalump vs Sturgeon


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
I have been waiting for him to Dan to post but he is on an adventure still in Idaho. I am sure he will have a big story about his trip but I am going to be a spoiler.
I Met up with Dan the 29th of May. He was not feeling real well but he was trying to hold it together. I had a big day planned for him on the 30th. I was going to show him some base jumpers jumping off a bridge. A steam tractor that was jumped off the canyon rim sometime in the early 1900's. and the #1 plan was for him to ride in a inflatable pontoon and try to catch a White Sturgeon, the largest fresh water fish in america.

Like I said Dan was not feeling well but he hung in there. He came to my house and parked his rig and we got in mine. We got the boats launched and headed up river.



We watched the B.A.S.E. jumpers and made it in the hole early. The very first fish that we hooked was between 4 and 5 foot long. around 70 pounds. It caught us both off guard and came to the surface and jumped, shook it's head, spit the hook and was gone.

We laughed and got back to work. I hooked the next one and handed it off to Dan. That fish was about 3 foot. Just a nice fish to learn with. That fish was about 15 pounds. We are not allowed to take them out of the water.


Well the next fish was hooked by Dan him self. This one laid the law down for a while. It gave him a pretty good tug. We found out that he had accidentally hooked him in the belly/tail. This one was about 70 pounds and 4 to 4 1/2 foot long.



I hooked the next one and it was about 4 1/2 foot long. I didn't get a picture but it is in the video.
We had a good day and it was fun to show him some of the things that 99% of the people never get to see. Here is the video of our day on the water.

That was pretty cool. I only watched up until Dan landed the first Sturgeon and a bit at the end.
What an awesome first time experience that must have been.

Great commentary. The video/audio was well done.

Were you using a GoPro?
idahoron said:
Thanks guys. The camera I used was a Cannon Powershot A2300 HD.

I'm impressed for a $150 camera.

More important. I'm glad you guys are out there using it.
If Dan hasn't seen those videos/pics yet, he is going to feel like a rock star.

Most people can only wish to have such a cool adventure, never mind capturing so well.

Thanks for sharing.
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