2012 Klamath Eagles


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
I'm not going to write much -- Ted's report:
Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuges
covers it well.

I have a few photos to contribute from my view of the trip, so that's what you'll see.

The following were from my first night, staying at Eagle Ridge (Klamath Co.) Campground on Upper Klamath Lake with Ted & Donna:



The pointy, snowy mountain in the distance in the next two photos is Mt. McLoughlin.





Yes, the dawn eagle fly-out from Bear Valley Refuge was a relative bust...but it wasn't bad time spent. We weren't standing in the rain or snow and it wasn't windy...just a little chilly, but not unseasonably so. And we did see 12 bald eagles fly over us...


At Lower Klamath Refuge:

Looking south -- the white peak is Mt. Shasta






Some kind of hawk...

Looking north -- the white peak is Mt. McLoughlin.

I think I see flowers in the ice
Our camp next to Annie Creek.
I don't think that Ted mentioned that we had to cross untracked frozen snow and ice to reach this nice spot...but we did. If we hadn't been in a drought we wouldn't have been able to camp here at all.

Ted's wood-splitting swings are too fast to be captured by a camera!


It was a nice trip to an area that I've been through many, many times (on my way between Bend, OR and my Folks home in Redding, CA), but I've never explored or even really stopped.
And it was nice to meet Ted and Donna. :)

Great shots, Mark. Thanks for posting them. It occured to me later that we didn't have any from Eagle Ridge Campground so I'm glad to see you did. Your night time photos and eagles photos were as good as I had hoped. Nice work.
Who says you can't have fun in the winter if you are not a avid skier! If there is a reason why we bought a FWC, these pictures show it-just think about those old days of pitching tents and huddling around the fire in the snow and then a fast run to the sleeping bags-and getting up to start that first fire of the day-now we have heaters, beds and can have a night cap with ice, before bed, read for a while, go to sleep and wait for the FWC to warm up before we get up in the morning:LOL:! Life is good!

Nice pictures Mark.I really enjoy the night ones.I am a sky gazer also when I can.

Smoke yes as time goes be the campers get better and better than tenting.Although we did some great tent times over the years.Our last time was the Alaska/BC trip in 09,but 3 weeks in the tent led to the camper.For all the reasons you mentioned.
Ah yes, pitching a tent in the snow and thinking about the indians were smart enough to go down in elevation in the winter. Does make ya think about what those crazy trappers must have went through.
Ted is quite the chopper. Shining anyone?


Friends have asked me, when I tell them I'm going to meet someone camping that I've only "met" online, "Are you sure it's safe?"
"Sure", I say, "There is no hint of criminal psychosis in any of their posts."
I'm glad I didn't see this photo before I met Ted -- I never woulda met him.

Related, kinda: I planned to meet Stew (for the first time) last May in northern Arizona.
I told someone about planning to meet this guy that I don't really know: "First we're going to Toroweap -- a remote, little visited spot on the Grand Canyon with a 3000-foot drop into the river".
"Hmmm....are you sure that's a good idea, Mark?"
"Why? What could go wrong?"

Although...my 3-way fridge did mysteriously fail and nearly gas me with ammonia just a few hours after meeting Stew...
I'm sure it was just a coincidence...
Related, kinda: I planned to meet Stew (for the first time) last May in northern Arizona.
I told someone about planning to meet this guy that I don't really know: "First we're going to Toroweap -- a remote, little visited spot on the Grand Canyon with a 3000-foot drop into the river".
"Hmmm....are you sure that's a good idea, Mark?"
"Why? What could go wrong?"

Although...my 3-way fridge did mysteriously fail and nearly gas me with ammonia just a few hours after meeting Stew...
I'm sure it was just a coincidence...

Ah, you and Toni did leave me on my own the next day, though, and I wasn't even swinging an ax! Just saying.
<snip> "Are you sure it's safe?"
"Sure", I say, "There is no hint of criminal psychosis in any of their posts."

How do I recognize criminal psychosis? I'm at home with people with axes and chainsaws and such. A quick look at their shoes will tell me how skilled they are. I am unfamiliar with psychosis.
How do I recognize criminal psychosis?

I'm expecting I'll know it when I see it.
As a start, I stay away from anyone whose post signature has anything in it like, "god's holy avenger" or "...make them all sorry...". So far, this precaution has worked for me.
I'm expecting I'll know it when I see it.
As a start, I stay away from anyone whose post signature has anything in it like, "god's holy avenger" or "...make them all sorry...". So far, this precaution has worked for me.

Or photos captioned "The Shining"? Meeting Ted in the future does now give me pause . . .

I've met MarkBC, the Ted's, Stew and Dirty Dog. I can vouch for their high morals, personal integrity and good standing in the outdoors community. The fact that I sold my camper and have not seen any of these fine people in over a year is just coincidence.


I've met MarkBC, the Ted's, Stew and Dirty Dog. I can vouch for their high morals, personal integrity and good standing in the outdoors community. The fact that I sold my camper and have not seen any of these fine people in over a year is just coincidence.



I would have said the same of you Mike until I found out you were sneaking photos of my backside :oops:
You know, I have shown all of you nothing but kindness. Providing beers, building fires, letting you have a laugh at my expense. And this is the response I get. This is just the type of thing that might push someone less stable than me over the edge. I'm just saying.

BTW, where exactly will all of you be camping this upcoming holiday weekend? I'll bring my axe... to chop firewood, of course.
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