2019 Grandby Shell proposed build out plan


Aug 31, 2009
Hello Y’all! Long-time lurker and occasional poster. I have always enjoyed reading the posts, learning, and getting ideas.

I had an older (circa 1999) Grandby Shell that I loved but traded it in on a brand new 2019 Grandby Shell. It is sitting on my 2013 Chevy Silverado 2500. So excited! I am semi-retired, live in Livingston Montana, and am looking forward to many adventures in my new rig.

I have been up nights thinking about how to build out the shell. My carpentry skills and tools are limited, so I am going for a utility build. I like simple, light, and modular (can take things in and out of the camper for loading and cleaning, etc.).

I “drafted” up a preliminary design on Excel and I am posting up pictures here. I am hoping to get feedback from this eminent, experienced, and brilliant group! Thanks in advance for any feedback, questions, or crazy ideas! Please be critical—I’m sure I must have made some bonehead moves in this design. Thanks in advance!
Loading her up...
View from door

Looking towards door, showing furnace and propane cabinets.

I used Excel to “draft” up the floor plan.

I made a bunch of shapes to simulate the stuff I will be packing into the camper. I can drag them around on the spreadsheet to try them in different spots.

Driver’s side. Proposed configuration of storage bins, Engel, and milk crates. I like milk crates because they stack, and you can take them in and out of the camper to load and unload. Blue tape “windows” on the right will be cut out to provide access to small side storage area. The area to the left of the blue tape “windows” houses FWC-installed electrical stuff. Sorry, no picture of that right now.

Driver’s side. Make countertop 46 x 22 ¼, support with 22 x 16 x 1 upright. Upright must be no wider at bottom than 16 inches to allow hatch door to open for access to FWC electrical. Access to electrical require removing all stuff, including Engle from top of side rail. 3 large bins and 3 small bins fit stacked under counter, not sure how to secure them yet. Maybe use footman loops and NRS straps. Mount Engel forward of upright, take handles off Engel, therefore not sure how to secure Engel, but maybe add metal bar across handle sockets and secure with footman loops and straps. Probably can’t use https://www.engelcoolers.com/transit-slide-lock.html and https://www.engelcoolers.com/adaptor-kit-for-mr040f.html because it would interfere with opening the side rail storage to get at electrical. I’m thinking I kinda hate that little side rail storage-too hard to get into with top opening, and interferes with couch configurations. I am proposing to cut it out on the passenger side accommodate couch.

Top view.

I haven’t figured out how to maintain access to this storage area with the proposed new countertop. I could possibly move the USB and 12 V ports and Solar gage somewhere and make a front-opening door. I think this setup is goofy as is. You would have to move everything off the counter every time you want to get to the storage area, and there is a big gap where the two pieces meet ensuring that any spills or crud will go into the storage area.
Passenger side. Cut hinged top of side rail. Remove metal edging, Cut carpet. Remove hinges, Cut top of lid, should be just one cut at 20” back from front of camper, Replace metal edging on all fresh cuts.

Cut passenger side to make room for couch. Cut side, leave forward 20” for front shelf. What saw to use? Ask cabinet maker to make the cut. I lack tools, skill, and nerve to make such a cut. Is ½” plywood glued to box or just screwed on? How to finish cut edges? Use black edging like stock camper? Add rubber sheeting or similar to top of opened rail to bring flush with eye-bolt hardware?

Cut access port into forward compartment. Ask cabinetmaker to make the cut, add “stopper” piece of wood to back side of forward compartment using “L” brackets.

End view of proposed couch. I may modify with slants and wedges to make bottom of couch slant down in rear and back of couch slant back.

Side view of passenger side. Couch will have three bulkheads (idea stolen from Mark Ingalls, minus the pop-up feature).Front bulkhead will have to be removable to allow turnbuckle access. Damn! Here come the bolts and wingnuts…I may add a “keeper bar” in front of the bulkheads to keep stuff from sliding out, also may add bungies or slats or something.

Forward bulkhead. Little black thingies are L-brackets on both sides through bolted with wingnuts for removal and access to turnbuckle area.

See the shelf? I could store tons of stuff up there. Up to 10 Milk crates double stacked.


Front wall. Forward of the couch I would add a 77 x 20 shelf that spans the entire width. There would be a ton of storage in crates or whatever above and below the shelf. On the top of the shelf I have a routed section with an aluminum “C” channel. I use this with NRS straps and slideable tie-downs to lash different gear, usually milk crates.
To make a guest bed or stealth mode bed in the front I could also move the crates to the couch top, and use the back cushion (“Cushion B”) and another cushion that I would make (“Cushion C”-22 x 20). I thought long and hard about this whole couch dealio. Pros: Less wasted space and aisle intrusion than roll-over couch, side couch with rail box cut out is at a more comfortable height than front couch, with front couch I would need to build a platform underneath (small storage area), and by having simple shelf across front there is a ton of storage space on and below shelf. If this storage was along passenger side it seems awkward, and weight distribution is better with gear in front. Con: You have to move stuff off shelf and move cushions on to shelf. Seems worth it because guests and stealth mode would be rare.

Whaddya think?
1- I don't have a Engel, we have a Dometic compressor refrigerator/freezer, but I suspect the Engel requires ventilation, so depending on where the vents are you may not be able to place tight against the wall or other stuff.
2- When you load up the Engel it will probably be one of the heaviest items and for center of gravity issues, you might want to consider placing it on the floor and as far forward as possible. I placed a small wooden frame around my Dometic and strapped it down to the floor with straps similar to NRS straps, to ensure it would not move on backcountry roads, thereby maintaining the ventilation.

I am currently making some mods to my Eagle shell, once it warms up a bit, I'll post some photos for you
good luck and keep us posted

There are many advantages of starting with a shell....and keeping it modular.

We cut the over window cabinet in half and remounted half of it at the drivers side rear.

Now we can sit opposite each other on the benches.

Careful cutting the carpet covered lid over the side storage bins....the carpet will unravel.

More thoughts later....nice to E meet you.

David Graves
End view of proposed couch. I may modify with slants and wedges to make bottom of couch slant down in rear and back of couch slant back.
For sure I'd want an angled back. FWC had a simple design for the side bench in my model. I can dig up a few pics if you want.

Side view of passenger side. Couch will have three bulkheads....Front bulkhead will have to be removable to allow turnbuckle access. …I may add a “keeper bar” in front of the bulkheads to keep stuff from sliding out, also may add bungies or slats or something
Not sure I fully grasp your idea. Are you talking partitions under the seat that are open to the aisle ? If you instead box the area so it's top load only the design may be sufficient to contain the contents without further securing.

NRS straps
Personal choice but I've never had much luck with the ones I've used. prefer ratchet but realise they can be awkward at times

To make a guest bed ... Whaddya think?
Again, not confident in my comprehension here but I think with your shortbox truck keeping weight forward is best. Double stacking might work tho I find most of my stuff likes to end up on the floor :cautious:.

As for the bed I'd look at using the side seat and, when needed, removing just enough of the front wall storage to extend the length of the seat for legs and feet, into a little hollow or nook. Then you don't have to shift much around. Maybe make the couch backrest a two piece, with one sized to make the bed extension surface.

my .005
Great ideas and congrats on the new camper. I think you have great ideas. Easy to change around. The one thing I question has to do with your countertop is why you would cover over the top lifting cabinet. Why not have your new countertop the same height as the existing and extend forward from there. Your USB and 12 volt would be fine where they are and still accessible. My 2-cents. Have fun. I'll be in Montana in late September, early October. jd
larryqp said:
1- I don't have a Engel, we have a Dometic compressor refrigerator/freezer, but I suspect the Engel requires ventilation, so depending on where the vents are you may not be able to place tight against the wall or other stuff.
2- When you load up the Engel it will probably be one of the heaviest items and for center of gravity issues, you might want to consider placing it on the floor and as far forward as possible. I placed a small wooden frame around my Dometic and strapped it down to the floor with straps similar to NRS straps, to ensure it would not move on backcountry roads, thereby maintaining the ventilation.

I am currently making some mods to my Eagle shell, once it warms up a bit, I'll post some photos for you
good luck and keep us posted
Thanks for your thoughts, Larry. Good point on the ventilation, I will have to make sure the Engel is not too close to the upright supporting the counter. I may even use 1x2s instead of plywood for the upright, or cut an air port in the plywood upright to facilitate airflow next to the Engel.

As to COG issues with the weight of the Engel-I just don't think it works on the floor as it takes up too much floor space and it is a top loader so it won't work tucked in under my front shelf.

And yes, please share photos!
DavidGraves said:

There are many advantages of starting with a shell....and keeping it modular.

We cut the over window cabinet in half and remounted half of it at the drivers side rear.

Now we can sit opposite each other on the benches.

Careful cutting the carpet covered lid over the side storage bins....the carpet will unravel.

More thoughts later....nice to E meet you.

David Graves
Thanks David, nice to meet you. I am interested in your thoughts on dealing with carpet unraveling...
klahanie said:
For sure I'd want an angled back. FWC had a simple design for the side bench in my model. I can dig up a few pics if you want.
Thanks for you input klahanie! Was is wedges screwed into the seat back? My old camper had those. They were ok but the couch often fell down in rough travel.. Would love pics if you got em.

Not sure I fully grasp your idea. Are you talking partitions under the seat that are open to the aisle ? If you instead box the area so it's top load only the design may be sufficient to contain the contents without further securing.
Yeah, thought I would try to leave the front open, put some non-slip something on the floor and secure with bungies or "keeper slats" or something. I would have two or three "bulkheads" that support the couch seat. I had the top loader in my old camper and it was a PITA getting stuff in and out, and a box is less forgiving with anything slightly oversized. I have more thinking to do about this...

Personal choice but I've never had much luck with the ones I've used. prefer ratchet but realise they can be awkward at times

Again, not confident in my comprehension here but I think with your shortbox truck keeping weight forward is best. Double stacking might work tho I find most of my stuff likes to end up on the floor :cautious:.
I can double stack milk crates if I tie them down. More on that system later, but I have a board with a C channel that I can use for tie downs with NRS straps.

As for the bed I'd look at using the side seat and, when needed, removing just enough of the front wall storage to extend the length of the seat for legs and feet, into a little hollow or nook. Then you don't have to shift much around. Maybe make the couch backrest a two piece, with one sized to make the bed extension surface.
I like this but there are disparate height issues. Front shelf is about 23" off floor, couch seat is about 18" off floor. I could put the bed on top of the side rail, but there would be about 12" of overhang, so would need to support it somehow. Mark Ingals had a system to do this, but not sure I can build it...I can't find that post right now, but it is really cool
my .005
^ Yep, wedges. You've got me thinking the dowels might have been one of my ideas, long since forgotten - along with where I put a few of my marbles... anyhoo works well and helps keep all the junk we stack behind, and against the window, in place.


Hear you on the top load but then I'm not usually the one rifling around in there :giggle:

A thought on the bulkheads - or dividers if I'm imagining them correctly - is, if you can live with an uneven floor, to secure a board on the floor that has dadoes/slots cut into it to hold at least the middle partitions. With a matching board under the seat. May be easier to pull out and reposition the dividers than using bolts and wing nuts (?)
Thanks for all the input everyone! I'm getting ready to have cushions made and got to wondering what couch dimensions are the various couches out there, e.g. roll-overs, and other styles? I am thinking 55" x 20" for the seat and the same for the back.
Hey there. I am in Bozeman and just bought a hawk shell. I am planning all sorts of modifications to do over the next month. If you want to grab a beer and share plans let me know.
Cory Kelley said:
Hey there. I am in Bozeman and just bought a hawk shell. I am planning all sorts of modifications to do over the next month. If you want to grab a beer and share plans let me know.
Hey Cory-sent you a message
Craw Pappy

I wonder if you might get more response here if you said a little more about what you want from the camper...how many folks, how much gear, what sort of roads.....these sorts of things might elicit lots of "this is what I found" from other folks.

I understand that you earlier owned an FWC...a Grandby shell....envious of all that space !

Lots of the basic "good practice" i.e. keep it light, keep it secured, etc apply no matter the details.

Many have moved slowly with their mods and found what suited their needs.

Hope I am not ramblin....(tho' it sure sounds that way!)

David Graves
DavidGraves said:
Craw Pappy

I wonder if you might get more response here if you said a little more about what you want from the camper...how many folks, how much gear, what sort of roads.....these sorts of things might elicit lots of "this is what I found" from other folks.

I understand that you earlier owned an FWC...a Grandby shell....envious of all that space !

Lots of the basic "good practice" i.e. keep it light, keep it secured, etc apply no matter the details.

Many have moved slowly with their mods and found what suited their needs.

Hope I am not ramblin....(tho' it sure sounds that way!)

David Graves
Hi David-

Well of course I want it all from my camper :giggle: ! Is that too much to ask haha

I do a camping from four wheeling in southern Utah, fishing in northern Canada (where I park for a week or more), bird hunting, to quick overnighters around Montana. Look forward to more and longer trips, who knows- a month? Usually solo or with my gal, sometimes with her 12 yr old son, and rarely with another guy. Often with my little hunting dog and kennel (would go on or under front shelf). I really like efficiency of storage-easy to get to gear, lack of wasted space, modular (in and out of the camper for loading and unloading).

I am currently redesigning couch/bed system 2.0 following consultation with my smart girlfriend!
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