3 Questions-fridge, heater, and propane door latch


New Member
Jul 22, 2017
Hello! We have had our 2017 Fleet for almost a year now and LOVE it a lot. We have camped probably a month or more in it thus far. I have a few questions from all you smart users out there if you can please help:
1. We have a 2-way Dometic fridge. I like to leave it on all the time (camper is always on the truck) with stuff in it for day trips to the beach, a post-surf cold beer, etc. Any thoughts on leaving the fridge on all the time? I have a solar system so batteries are not a concern. Wondering more about the long term health of the fridge. Thanks
2. Is it possible to have the stock heater installed now, after the fact? We chose not to get it on the order but found ourselves in need of a heater last winter. Or, would tear too much of the camper apart and would it be better to go with a “Lil Buddy” heater instead? Thanks
3. The latch for my propane access for wiggles open frequently, especially when I’m on rough roads. Two questions here: A. Does anyone have a fix for this other than bungee’ing the door closed from the inside? B. Has anyone installed a lock type latch on this access door? I’d like to be able to lock it when down inbox mexico. Thanks!

If anyone has a though ok any of these topics/questions, I would appreciate the insight!
Lardogsurf said:
Hello! We have had our 2017 Fleet for almost a year now and LOVE it a lot. We have camped probably a month or more in it thus far. I have a few questions from all you smart users out there if you can please help:
1. We have a 2-way Dometic fridge. I like to leave it on all the time (camper is always on the truck) with stuff in it for day trips to the beach, a post-surf cold beer, etc. Any thoughts on leaving the fridge on all the time? I have a solar system so batteries are not a concern. Wondering more about the long term health of the fridge. Thanks
2. Is it possible to have the stock heater installed now, after the fact? We chose not to get it on the order but found ourselves in need of a heater last winter. Or, would tear too much of the camper apart and would it be better to go with a “Lil Buddy” heater instead? Thanks
3. The latch for my propane access for wiggles open frequently, especially when I’m on rough roads. Two questions here: A. Does anyone have a fix for this other than bungee’ing the door closed from the inside? B. Has anyone installed a lock type latch on this access door? I’d like to be able to lock it when down inbox mexico. Thanks!

If anyone has a though ok any of these topics/questions, I would appreciate the insight!
Don't know why it would be an issue to keep your fridge on, though I would consider plugging into shore power. #2 would be a good question for FWC and you should get a good response from people. #3 It is illegal have a locked propane door. There are those that put a locking latch on anyways. If there was a problem, the fire department will break in with whatever tools they deem necessary. I have never had a problem on wash board roads with any cabinet doors opening. Appears to be a bad latch. Contact FWC about that. I personally wouldn't put a lock on the propane door because it is against the law.
my thoughts ...

1. If it's a compressor type fridge and you are OK with the electric supply then I expect you'd be fine. Lots of people are full timing.

Myself, I wouldn't be concerned about extending the life of the unit by using it less - if that's what you mean.

However, I'm always a bit wary of leaving equipment running unattended, just in case ... Of course the fridge at home is on full time but I don't know if the build and installation is comparable. If the fridge has a CSA and/or UL standard mark I'd be a bit happier.

One should always be mindful of the risk of fire in a camper/RV. I'd want to ensure the supply circuit is properly fused, wiring, cord, plug all look good etc. Also, so I'd want to ensure there is always good, ventilation for cooling around the motor and electronics. And watch out for flammable materials and surfaces nearby.

3. I switched to a lock as I now use that now unmarked compartment for general storage. Pretty easy to replace with or add a key lock .

fwiw, I have also read (and believe for good reason) that locking the LPG door is illegal. And might be a prob on a ferry for eg.

As an alternative for anti theft consider looking into a way to lock the LPG tank itself or to the inside of the compartment or other means of preventing it from being removed thru the door.

I'll add, I only drive with the LPG supply shut off (inside and at the tank) so a lock only-door latch would be one more thing to need to find my keys for...
Lardogsurf said:
Hello! We have had our 2017 Fleet for almost a year now and LOVE it a lot. We have camped probably a month or more in it thus far. I have a few questions from all you smart users out there if you can please help:
1. We have a 2-way Dometic fridge. I like to leave it on all the time (camper is always on the truck) with stuff in it for day trips to the beach, a post-surf cold beer, etc. Any thoughts on leaving the fridge on all the time? I have a solar system so batteries are not a concern. Wondering more about the long term health of the fridge. Thanks
2. Is it possible to have the stock heater installed now, after the fact? We chose not to get it on the order but found ourselves in need of a heater last winter. Or, would tear too much of the camper apart and would it be better to go with a “Lil Buddy” heater instead? Thanks
3. The latch for my propane access for wiggles open frequently, especially when I’m on rough roads. Two questions here: A. Does anyone have a fix for this other than bungee’ing the door closed from the inside? B. Has anyone installed a lock type latch on this access door? I’d like to be able to lock it when down inbox mexico. Thanks!

If anyone has a though ok any of these topics/questions, I would appreciate the insight!

This caught my eye , "Dometic frig in a 2017 Fleet"...not anything important, but our '16 Hawk has an Isotherm frig...is FWC now back to Dometic? What the life span of a fridge is I have no idea, but I say use it until you can't, then replace it...

Not elegant, but a simple brass sliding style lock on propane door if you can't adjust the latch close tightly...

Have stated this before...but I personally would not use any type of combustion heater inside a camper...notwithstanding the hype, all combustion produces products [not just water] that you don't want to breath..the propane cook stove requires active venting; active venting of a heater is obviously counterproductive.

But hey, I could be wrong! :D

I keep a collapsible plastic fresh water container (same as the one you can get from FWC) jammed in beside my propane tanks. The little bit of outward pressure on the propane door always keeps it secure and latched.
Hi All, thanks for some great replies and ideas, much appreciated! Looking forward to hearing from FWC on the heater. I may just need to give them a call.
Hello Lardogsurf
Like trikebubble, we have a white fill hose,extension cord, blue tarp in our propane compartment. Never had ours open kinda tight fit, and does put pressure on the door and latch.
I would try the free standing ones first as would be way easier. Ski3pin mounted one in theirs if I remember correctly and they are winter campers.
Our Engle cools down so quickly when empty. The items we put in are already cold ( which does not put a load on the refrigerator).
Could you not turn on the refrigerator say the night before or morning of, then fill right when you leave. I use a box to transfer everything takes all of 10 min. Don't think it would hurt your refrigerator to run all the time but sure would hate to find a refrigerator full of hot stuff right before a trip.

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