3 Way F#ckn' Fridge.

O.K., you are gonna think that I am wack if you've not heard this: when our old dometic ('84) stopped working on the old Hawk, we contacted a fridge guy to ask about recharging, or whatever it would take to get it working. He explained a bit about the ammonia design, let us know it could not be "recharged" (not freon, etc.) and told us to pull it out, flip it upside-down , and leave it for a day. Then flip 'er back and reinstall. That we did, and it worked great after that! We also did this with a bit newer model on our bit newer Fleet when it became wimpy. Something to do with "burping" the system, or releasing a bubble of sorts... I've not seen this tip in any manual or hereabouts, so you can think that I'm foolin' with you, or give it a go! Best o' luck - Pete

Also common to do when the unit is not used for a long time the Ammonia settles and won't flow. No you are not wacked!
Jay I'm pretty sure it is the one inside.

I see the line held by clips on the inside but not the bulb Matt was talking about.. And which way do you move it? In or out?

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