35 boats lost in Crescent City Harbor from storm surge


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2007
Woodland, CA
I heard from a friend today that said he thinks they lost 35 boats today in the Cresecnt City Harbor from the storm surge.


this is unconfirmed, but it didn't sound good.


11:30 a.m. update: Crescent City docks severely damaged by tsunami
By JEFF BARNARD - Associated Press
Posted: 03/11/2011 07:22:13 AM PST

CRESCENT CITY (AP) — A tsunami triggered by the massive earthquake in Japan rushed onto California's coast today, causing powerful surges that destroyed boat docks as beach-area residents throughout the state evacuated to higher ground.

The tide began rising shortly after 7:30 a.m. along beaches in Crescent City, near the Oregon border, where the tsunami had been expected to hit the hardest in California. Officials predicted that waves could reach as high as 7 feet there.

Local officials activated tsunami warning sirens in Del Norte and Humboldt counties at dawn, and sheriff's deputies went door to door in Crescent City at dawn to urge residents in low-lying areas to seek higher ground.

By midmorning, water rushing into the harbor had destroyed about 35 boats and ripped chunks off the wooden docks, as marina workers and fishermen scrambled to secure property in between surges. When the water returned, someone would yell "Here comes another one!" to clear the area.

"The last surge filled the entire harbor up to the brim and the next one is expected to spill into the parking lot," said Bill Steven, a commander with the Del Norte County Sheriff's Office. "The damage from this is probably going to go into the millions, easily."

Ted Scott, a retired mill worker who lived in Crescent City when a 1964 tsunami killed 17 people on the West Coast, including 11 in his town, watched the water pour into the harbor.


Yikes! Very minimal surges reported in our harbors. The Chilean quake was more noticable here. Wonder how the Fisherman fared?
I was wondering the same thing. Maybe he rode it out at sea. My sister lives near Arcata, haven't heard from her yet.
Since there was ample notice the surges would be coming wouldn't just driving the boats off shore a bit have been prudent? A tsunami doesn't take affect until the water starts to shallow.
Sounds like most of the fleet did just that. Report says they had to put in at Eureka. I imagine many owners weren't around, boats weren't ready etc. Amazing devastation yet it pales to what the japanese suffered.
I heard a story this morning on NPR/Oregon Public Broadcasing that describes the damage in Crescent City and mentions major damage to the harbor in Brookings, Oregon.
Excerpt from the online text story:

Outside Brookings, Ore., just north of the California border, four people went to a beach to watch the waves and were swept into the sea. Two got out on their own, and the others were rescued, authorities said. Brookings harbor saw the worst reported damage in the state with half the facility destroyed and up to 10 boats sunk, Curry County Sheriff John Bishop said. "The port is in total disarray," he said.

The part about "people went to the beach to watch" is just natural selection at work...or at least trying to work.
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