4 Day Sierra Sampler

super doody

Senior Member
Aug 2, 2012
San Mateo Coast
EDIT. Longer and better quality of the slide show is here:


We just got back from an epic 4 day trip. Some of my fondest memories from my early to late teen years were backpacking in the Sierras with my Boy Scout troop. I got to see quite a bit of wilderness but there were parts I have yet to experience till this past trip.

Night 1. Fraser Flats

We left the bay area around 8:30 pm intentionally to avoid the evening traffic. We got to Fraser Flat a little before mid night. After finding the flattest campsite and popped up for the night. It was nice being late in the season where we didn't have to reserve the spot. I was tired I didn't want to deal with leveling the camper. The new stereo with backup camera I installed made backing up a breeze. Although, my wife still spots me. Good thing she did since there were some low hanging trees. The night time temp was quite cool but we were prepared. I knew the weather foretasted night time temps to be in the 30s.

Day 1 Leavitt Lake

The next day, we skipped breakfast at camp and headed towards Levitt Lake. We topped off on gas right before pine crest and grabbed bagel sandwiches from the pine crest store. Even thought I've done quite a bit of off road driving and on a lot more challenging trails (off camber, rock piles, etc) but it was with my old Tacoma. I have yet to take my tundra and FWC on anything requiring more than 4W Hi.

I've been trying to get up to this lake for 2 years now. The most challenging part of the trail is the first creek which has a short, steep uphill section and shots to the left immediately after the crossing. The correct line was to the right but it had deep ruts. I got out and check out the section and went for it. I had no clearance or traction issues and cleared the section slowly in 4 wheel lo. As my toddler daughter pointed out it quite "wiggley" as she screeched in laughter. After this section, the trail gently climbs up hill but it is quite rugged. Half way through, I stopped and checked on the gear in the camper. When I open the camper door, it was a complete yard sale of gear in the aisle of with the fridge door open. Luckily, the eggs stayed in the fridge and pesto stayed in its container when it came tumbling out. The latch on my dometic is quite finicky. Its not the first time its opened while enroute. For extra insurance on the way out, I tapped the door with duct tape.

The lake is beautiful! The mountains looked like Afghanistan. I was surprise to see a lot of the sites near the lake were blocked off. Even though this is the off season there were quite a bit of vehicle traffic. A group was already there in the closet spot to the lake. We found a flat spot above but there were plenty of spots above the lake with no views. We relaxed and hiked around the lake. I tied a piece of bark at the end of a fishing pole and taught my daughter how to cast.

At around dinner time, the temps dropped pretty quickly. We went to bed around 7:30 pm. I set the furnace at 45 degrees (the lowest setting) but it never kicked on. Lowest temp in the camper was 47.I didn't have a good night of sleep as we were still adjusting to the elevation and neighbor were still up playing some music. I finally fell asleep, then was a woken by some guy yelling "hey, I found a spot!!". I was woken again with what sounded like an air chisel. I thought it was our neighbors but then I realized there were sounds of automatic weapons in the distance, probably at the Mountain Warfare Training Center.

Overall, this lake is awesome! Next time we'll definitely camp away from people. I didn't realize just how popular this spot was. This is the chance you take with more disperse sites. I think the best spot (but the most exposed) is directly north of the lake on the bluffs which still has a nice lake view.
We enjoyed the video very much and recognized the campsite in the campground at Green Creek. Thanks also for the photo of the Owens River Fire. I was wondering if either you or Milt had seen it.

Looking forward to more! :)
ski3pin said:
We enjoyed the video very much and recognized the campsite in the campground at Green Creek. Thanks also for the photo of the Owens River Fire. I was wondering if either you or Milt had seen it.

Looking forward to more! :)
Mr Ski thanks to your advice and your blog entries. I tried to find the spot you and Lady stayed in your last trip. I re read your blog and now know exactly where your spot is.

Also thanks to K6ON and dakozick for their advice.
A few better resolutions pictures

Green Creek

Fire near Mono Lake seen from 270 (existing Bodie)

Classic fire pit even though we didn't use it due to the fire restrictions but it didn't stop our neighbors from having fires.

Mono Lake Lookout on 395

Bodie via Aurora Canyon

Turn off to Bodie from Aurora Canyon

The camp host at Green Creek called this Nevada Pin Striping

Our route

Wow, a lot to squeeze into 4 days. I'm sure you found a lot of places along the way that you want to go back to (I know I always do).

I can only guess which one of you the cheese pizza was for...
GroovyDad said:
Wow, a lot to squeeze into 4 days. I'm sure you found a lot of places along the way that you want to go back to (I know I always do).

I can only guess which one of you the cheese pizza was for...
Ha ha. My daughter actually wanted to eat more of the fish taco with mango. It was a lot in 4 days and we will certainly go back armed with more knowledge.
Apologies for posting the video and photos before the trip report

Day 2.

We had a leisurely morning at Leavitt Lake. The warm morning sun was a welcome sight after a cool night. I made some breakfast burritos and we were back on trail before 11 am. The drive out to 108 uneventful. I did see a 4WD astro van and couple of trucks with trailers (one with quads and one with horses). I wonder how they cleared the uphill section after the first creek.

We headed toward Bridgeport with a goal of checking out Bodie and camping some where on Green Creek road. It was cool to see the Helicopters at the Marine training center. We had lunch at Burger Barn. The tater tots were awesome and so were the burgers. Based on advice from K6ON and Ski we took the scenic route to Bodie via Aurora Canyon road. It was a great route and it allowed our cranky toddler to get a nap. My wife napped as well. This was the first day of deer season I saw a lot of hunter scouting.

Coming the down Bodie Masonic road, the town popped out of the background like a movie set. As soon as we got out of the car, we could smell the fire from Mono Lake fire. We spent about a hr walking around the town checking out the infrastructure and visitor center. The temperature was surprisingly warm. It felt like a hot summer day.

Next stop was camp. I searched the Green Creek area prior to the trip. I knew we could either disperse camp along Green Creek road or camp in the established site. While enroute , we doubled check the internet for the Mono lake fire to make sure there wasn't any warnings or road closure for next day's trip to Yosemite. We explored the Green Creek Rd. for potential campsites. I tried to find Ski and Ladies' favorite campsite but didn't have much luck. All the good spots along the creek were taken. Some appeared to be longer term residence. I did find one decent out of the way spot next to the creek but it was a little buggy and we didn't want to have any neighbor issues like the night before so we continued to the established campsite where there would a curfew and camp host hopefully to regulate. Because we lost cell signal midway I didn't realize the campsite was at the end of the road. This a rookie mistake and I will definitely bring maps in the future. It turns out the Green Creek campsite had one of the best sites. There was only 1 other spot taken by 2 flyfisher man taking day trips to the near by lakes. Our site had a couple boulders for my daughter to climb so it was a done deal. We had a nice quite night with the sounds of the creek. The night temperature was pretty mild.

To be continued...
Liked the photos, loved the video. It's ok if that seems out of order. I sometimes read books starting toward the end too. Thanks for the opportunity to live a little, vicariously.

Sent from my iPad using Wander The West
Apologies for the delay. Work, my daughter's birthday party and other obligations has kept me away from finishing the TR.

....We had a great night of sleep at Green Creek. As I mentioned, the night temp was mild and we didn't hear anything except the sound of the creek. We had a quick oat meal breakfast. (BTW, this is our favorite http://us.naturespath.com/product/maple-nut-hot-oatmeal. Taste like stove top steel cut oat meal, really creamy and fluffy without a lot of sugar. We use a jet boil since it boils water faster than the stove)

I had a nice chat with camp host as he came by our campsite. As it turns out, he use to surf and grew up in so cal. Now he full times on the road in a nice air stream. This was the last week before the camp is closed for the winter. He was also a 49er's fan.

I knew our drive to Yosemite valley was just a couple hrs so we took our time. At the overlook above Mono Lake, we could see and smell the smoke. The first stop was the Mono Lake rest stop which had really nice play ground for my daughter to burn some energy before lunch. I couldn't believe just how big, green and manicured the lawn was. LADWP ensuring good public relations.

The lunch stop was the famous Whoa Nellie Deli. We have been wanting to check out this place for a while now. The pizza was excellent as well as the fish tacos. We ran into Bill as he was on his birthday ride. It was great seeing him. My daughter and wife went to the bathroom one last time before hitting the road and I got to watched a little bit of the 49er's game before they really started to lose.

The drive up Tioga pass was awesome! This was the first time we entered Yosemite via the east. The more we ascended, the clearer the skies became. We were still doing good on time so we pulled over to Tenaya Lake. My daughter and I took a quick dip. The water was definitely cool but very refreshing. The tourists walking by as giving us some interesting looks. As my daughter was in her undies and me in my swim trucks.

On the drive into the Valley we saw two Earth Roamers. My first time ever seeing them in person. I couldn't believe how big they were. The weather got warmer and warmer as we got into the Valley. It was at least in the mid 80's. After setting up camp, we headed to the village for a quick shower and pizza. It was a great summer night to end our trip. The night was warm and we slept great. The next morning, I made some breakfast burritos using left over veggies, avocados and rice. We really wished we could've stayed longer in the valley. We were back on the road before 11 since my daughter had swim class later that evening.

This was one of the best trips we have ever had! Both the truck and camper did great. We will definitely be back at all the areas we visited. Thanks to the all the forum members that provide input and ideas prior to the trip. We look forward to meeting more of you on next time. See you out there! :)
One of your best trips ever. That is great and wonderful memories for you and your family! Thanks for the tip on the oatmeal, we'll check it out. Thanks for sharing your trip!
ski3pin said:
One of your best trips ever. That is great and wonderful memories for you and your family! Thanks for the tip on the oatmeal, we'll check it out. Thanks for sharing your trip!
Thanks again Ski for all of your tips and previous blogs which inspired some parts of the trip.

Not sure why the Nature's Path link isn't working. Maple Nut is my favorite. You can get a 32 variety pack from Costco for $9. The key is using really hot water and letting it set for a bit or microwaving it while at home.

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