5 Star Colorado Road Trip


Senior Member
Jun 7, 2006
Lander, Wyoming

"I have wined & dined with Kings and Queens and I've slept in alleys eatin' pork & beans."
- 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes

Part I

It's the ducks & geese that I will remember the most.

The ducks & geese... The ones that bob and float on Lake Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. Early in the morning, late in the evening they are here. Honking to each other and honking just to be heard. A sanctuary with no natural predators nearby, they are part of this resort under Pike's Peak. They are about the only natural element in this purposefully created corner of the world...

For the last few days and with a couple of more to go, I have been a guest at the 5 star Broadmoor Resort. This beautiful place with it's marble floors and stairs, lit up by crystal chandeliers, offering fancy boutique shops, a world class golf course (the seniors US Open will be played here this summer), several fine dining restaurants and valet parking.

In 2008, only 100 hotels and 60 restaurants in the world achieved the coveted 5 diamond status. To say anything other than the Broadmoor is top of the line would be a huge disservice to the dedicated staff. The Grand Dame of the Rockies is more than a resort; it's a living landmark of the old West. For 90 years the Broadmoor has hosted the rich and famous. John Wayne, Bob Hope, Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill have been guests here. And now, me.


I'm neither rich, nor famous. I'm a tag-a-long, a plus one to a lady who is here for a business conference. I'm here merely to carry her bags (although tuxedo clad bellhops did that for me) and to do the driving on the Daytona-like speedway that is I-25. I'm a duck, a Mallard. An outsider looking in. Bobbing in and out of European inspired buildings, floating on a high of opulence and unsurpassed customer service...

"May we turn your bed down for you?"

"Is the room temperature to your liking?"

"Have you had a chance to visit our world class spa?"

"Your in room touch-screen computer will assist you in making your stay more comfortable."


Their slogan is, "If you've been here, you know." Oh, I've been here and I know...

I know that I've gotten a glimpse of how a very small percentage of the population lives. I know that some people enjoy this type of living. Like many of the older women here; far past their physical prime with unnaturally colored hair, wearing too much make up, in designer jeans that sort of fit now that they have had the fat sucked out of their ass and had it shoved back into their cheeks and forehead. These are the type people who are so self-absorbed that they never look up or around in the restuarant. They can't be bothered to take it all in because in their minds, they are what is worth looking at. Sad....

And the men, in their crisply pressed shirts tucked neatly into properly cuffed pants, with slicked back hair or shiney bald heads, looking extremely fit and wealthy. Many with their bluetooth ear pieces in, walking quickly & carrying $400 leather shoulder bags, convincing themselves or trying to convince someone else that they are worth doing business with. Perhaps they are, perhaps I'm too judgemental. Perhaps I need to get the Hell out of here.


I'm not used to being catered to. I don't like being dependant on someone to go fetch my vehicle. I don't like paying $3.75 for a can of Diet Coke. I don't need my bed turned down (although I do like having someone else make it) I don't need a flatscreen TV in the bathroom, even though watching Bill O'Reilly is much more tolerable when sitting on the crapper. I don't like the aura of the other guests here. This isn't my place, this isn't my world and thank God, this isn't my life.

In a few days we'll be moving on, headed south to a Colorado experience that is more my style. Small towns with big views, tucked into high mountains. Where I can park my own truck, carry my own bags and where Carhart and Wrangler, are the only clothing labels that matter. I'll be comfortable there, where a bar is a smokey dimly lit place, with spit & blood stains on the floor, not a well lit tavern with coasters, easy chairs and hanging fake plants. Where people smile and say 'Hello', because that is their nature, not because it's their job.

That is where I'll be most comfortable, most at home and feeling most like myself. And not feeling so much like a duck out of water...


.....to be continued -
Be sure to wear the Bolo tie with your tux!

KC, I hear ya... our sales meetings are at places like this every year and it kills me to think how much money we spend at these events. I don't think KOFA or Moab are acceptable locations though for these meeting... I can keep hoping. Until then I too will remain a fish out of water.

Hang in there!


That is not where I want to spend my hard earned dollar. But you gotta experince it once. Go the distance.....(as I listen to the Gladitor sound track).
...another round from this afternoon.

The Broadmoor is a stunning and unique place. Even though it is not my ideal way to escape, the facility is amazing. The people are freaking me out, but there is tons of stuff to photograph that I'll likely never see anywhere else...











Interesting to live in a couple of different worlds. Work meetings would send me to similar locations and I usually show up on my bike (ST1300) and then get inside and put on the fancy stuff:D Nice photos:thumb:
After six years of living in Lake City, CO I know one thing for certain about Spring weather in the San Juans. Don't tempt it...


Thursday March 26, 12:00 noon - Ouray, Colorado

....'nuff said.
LOL, KC. We got a foot or so of that same thing yesterday/last night... and Vail Mtn. is reporting 35" in the last 4 days :thumb:

I've seen snow here in every month on the calendar. In '96 we had 5" on the
4th of July and all of the local fireworks shows were cancelled. In the mid 80's we had 3 ft in June after all of the aspens had leafed out...and you can still see bent trees in certain areas of the forest from that storm...20 years later.

Just checked the radar and there's another blue blob heading this way from Utah...

Simon says "Go Snow"... (and drive carefully)

Well "5 star road trip" may have been a little optimistic on my part...

Following an eternal-like stay at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs, we headed west to see a more realistic Colorado. The first stop was in Canon City to see the world's highest suspension bridge, located at the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park. Suspended 1,052 feet over a craggy gorge it is truly a sight to see. Unfortunately they want $24 per adult to drive over it.

$50 to drive over a bridge? Screw that. They should be paying me to drive all the way out here in BFE, to see this thing. There is some tacky wanna-be historical village there, made to look like 1850, but probably built in 1970. And there is a long and really high bridge. Other than that, nada. Not recommended.

In a huff, I continue west on CO-50, through Salida, where I spot a classic rust free Toyota FJ60 Landcruiser for sale. It's similar to mine, except that it has 85K original miles, horrid pinstripes and an inaccurate year listed on the for sale sign. I love Landcruisers, so I snap a couple of pics, trying to jump-start the fun portion (for me) of this trip.



Having seen the only thing worth seeing in Salida, we continue. Up & over Monarch Pass, through Gunnison and then turning south on Hwy 149, the scenic Silver Thread. It's 50 miles to my old hometown of Lake City and I'm kind of anxious to go back. I lived here for several years, I owned a restaurant here, and this is the place where my son was born. It has a special place in my heart.

Within minutes of getting in town, I see an old friend pull up next to me. With a big smile, we climb out of our trucks and share an embrace as he welcomes me home. Home... Its been a long time since I've considered Lake City home. As much as I loved the place, when I left town, I was over it. Done. I moved on but upon returning, I found some comfort in the fact that the town hadn't changed very much at all.

We took a drive up Slumgullion Pass, to the Windy Point overlook where you can see a handful of 14,000+ ft peaks. You also get a very close look at the Slumgullion earthslide, where a huge chunk of mountain broke off hundreds of years ago, creating a natural dam which formed Lake San Cristobal, the lake for which the town is named. At 11K feet above sea level, Windy Point is a great vantage point to see the area for the first time.



Returning to town, we acquire a room at the Matterhorn Motel. It's a quaint little place with a nice view of town. The rooms are small but clean and they have a hot tub. Good enough. We mosey down to the Packer Grill for dinner & drinks. Before I've even closed the bar door behind me, I'm greeted by old friends, who for old sods, have a pretty good memory. I've been gone for 7+ years, but the bar flies still remembered me. I suddenly know how Norm felt every time he walked into Cheers. That was nice and I spent the next several hours drinking Blue Moons and getting caught up on the local news & scandals that invariably happen in a small town.

Home? Not really, not so much anymore. But it's familiar and friendly and sometimes, being in a place where everybody knows your name isn't all that bad. So far, I give the trip 2.5 stars....

KC...Thanks! As always, I enjoy your superb photos and your well written trip comments. I have never had the opportunity, or misfortune, to stay in a hotel like the Broadmoor. I wonder what the room rates were? And I bet there wasn't even a free continental breakfast.:( It's probably nice to experience that sort of life style once, however.

I agree with brett13, you should be a travel writer. How 'bout a book..."Travels with KC" or "KC's Great Adventures".

I'm looking forward to the rest of your trip report and pictures.
you should be a travel writer. How 'bout a book..."Travels with KC" or "KC's Great Adventures".

"KC and The Sunshine" :D

(Go ahead and boo:eek:)
Kcowyo I’m enjoying your trip report. That was a clean 1986 / 87 Land Cruiser. I had an 87 oxidizing red one that I sold. That carb and manual choke never liked me.

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