84 Fleet - 09 Tacoma - Project

[SIZE=26.6667px]Panels 4[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]The momentum of the panel project builds. But before the panels could go in, I figured the roof had to come off. It is light enough, just really bulky.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]I tried to remove the roof with the lifting panel still flopping, that was a mistake so I took it off mid-task, very awkward. Man do I hate drilling out rivet! There will be zero rivet when I put everything back together. The lifter panel is still in good shape, but I plan to switch to a conduit lifter, if anyone wants and older lift panel get in touch with me.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]A bit more cleaning before putting the panels in.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Does it fit?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]No it didn’t quite fit, but not to worry, a little strategic sanding and everything was fine. Like I said before, give a full ¼ inch if not more, it will be much less of a headache.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]It did fit on the second try. And I want to thank PokyBro for the huge bag of screws he gave me. The round head phillips sheet metal are perfect for the panels.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The rest of the panel went in without much hassle at all. And they truly look great. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]This is one of the 1st project that has felt like real progress! I am super excited with how everything turned out. This has rejuvenated me to work on it even more and and to get this page updated.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]This late fall I finally picked up steam and am back to working hard on the camper every weekend. The year was way busier then I expected but it feels good to be making real progress on the camper again. I am certain to fall short of my goal of having everything ready by ski season. But I have some serious momentum now and spend any spare minute I have with the camper. I have had some fantastic help from my wife and sister too. I think everyone is excited to get into the camper. I have already ordered a lot of electrical items and the headliner. This weekends goals is the roof. Once the roof is done, I will be able to fully attack the sideliner. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I want to thank everyone again for all the encouragement so far. Especially PokyBro who has really given some great advice. It feels great to be making some progress on the camper again, and great to have my build page alive again. Look for many more updates again soon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]For reference this work was performed in late October 2016.[/SIZE]

You are the man! Excellent work, so great to see the amazing progress you've made. I really like the color choice, and it's so cool to hear of the help you're getting from family. Seeing your roof off, and you working inside, and just the description of what you've been doing, brought back fond memories. I absolutely love your enthusiasm, and the photo sequencing you put together. Keep up the great work, it's coming along nicely!


Sent from my iPad using Wander The West
You and PokyBro are really showing the way to bring these old campers back to life. It is fun to watch your progress. Good work!
Wow amazing work and dedication to restoring the old camper. Look forward to seeing you continue the build.

1990 Ford F-250
1997 fwc grandby
Thank you everyone for the feedback! Glad to see some of you are still around and interested.

PokyBro said:

You are the man! Excellent work, so great to see the amazing progress you've made. I really like the color choice, and it's so cool to hear of the help you're getting from family. Seeing your roof off, and you working inside, and just the description of what you've been doing, brought back fond memories. I absolutely love your enthusiasm, and the photo sequencing you put together. Keep up the great work, it's coming along nicely!


Sent from my iPad using Wander The West
And special thanks to Pokybro for the guidance from his build too.

This past weekend I did not have much time for the camper. Just a few hours on Sunday afternoon and evening. I have two updates to share.

Large Window
[SIZE=14.6667px]I took out, cleaned, prepped, and painted most of the windows back in the summer. But I put off the large passenger window because it was a little worse for wear. Then sometime back, I met up with Pokybro and we were chatting, and wouldn’t you know it, he has a spare window that was the exact dimensions and offered it to me.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]These large windows take a lot of tape, painting, adjust position, and more paint. I did this painting a long time ago. But I finally put the window in this weekend. It looks and works great. Thanks Pokybro. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I learned to redo screens too.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Really happy with final look![/SIZE]



[SIZE=26.6667px]Roof Prep[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Last weekend I took the roof off the camper. I want to do the electrical and solar run, insulate, new headliner ASAP. Then I will get the roof installed with conduit risers at a new higher height. Then tackle the sidelinear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]So in the few hours I had to work on it, I focused on prepping the roof. This is what I started with. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Sidenote: I had painted the roof last year, before I realized how deep I would go with this rebuild. So that is done:) But unfortunately that meant I had a thick coat of paint over all my screws. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]A good sheetmetal driver and some patients and I was able to get them all out. I would have to unclog the driver of paint every few screws. I was able to remove the trim and get the detach the sideliner.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]I will hold on to this and study it to figure out how to proceed with my new one.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]There were many layers of sealants, paints, and gunk that had to come off. Not the most glamorous afternoon. Plus staples. I had to get the old headliner out, plus the new headliner and sideliner will go under the roof, so all the staples had to go. I finally think this is my truly last staple pulling session. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The staple pulling session went past dark.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]But now I have a nice cleaned roof that is ready for insulation next weekend![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]For reference this work was performed now, early November 2016.[/SIZE]

I am actively trying to figure out how to insulate my roof best. I have opened the question out to the general forum. http://www.wanderthewest.com/forum/topic/13418-question-about-rigid-insulation-in-roof/

If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks for reading - Tim
Ran across your reply to PokyBro, so just discover your build. I look forward to going back to the beginning and reading all you have done. As another Colorado crazy rebuilding a FWC Grandby, I have to build from scratch one of my lift panels and the other is not in much better shape, so I will be paying particular attention to your lift panel section.

Since you are working on the roof, I have a question. I do not know what year FWC started to "dome" the roof, but mine is flat either from age or it is prior to factory arching. Have you figured out your roof as to drainage/slope/arch? (I'll have to go back to Poky's build to see if he did anything.)
Boonie said:
Ran across your reply to PokyBro, so just discover your build. I look forward to going back to the beginning and reading all you have done. As another Colorado crazy rebuilding a FWC Grandby, I have to build from scratch one of my lift panels and the other is not in much better shape, so I will be paying particular attention to your lift panel section.

Since you are working on the roof, I have a question. I do not know what year FWC started to "dome" the roof, but mine is flat either from age or it is prior to factory arching. Have you figured out your roof as to drainage/slope/arch? (I'll have to go back to Poky's build to see if he did anything.)
Hey boonie,

Thanks for the comment. I do not know what year FWC started to dome the roof. All I do know is that when I asked FWC, they thought my camper was an 1984 or so. So lets say mid 80s. And it has a dome roof.

In comparison Poky has a flat roof and we think his is a '81. And those are some of the 1st campers. So sometime in those first few years they learned to dome the roof.

I know that is not a definte answer but its all I got. Thanks for the interest. - Tim
Great build! I'm in the process of planning to work on a recent purchase of a mid 80's fleet to put on my tacoma, so i am definitely going to use this thread! Can i get a close up picture of the trim? Right now, all of the trim, the roof, and canvas (luckily recently replaced) have to be installed. I have an idea how it's done, but a little help would be greatly appreciated.


Actually, after looking at your pictures again, I'd wager that mine is the same model as yours. Suffice to say, I'll be following your build very closely. If you have any tips on what to look out for, it'd be greatly appreciated.
justsomeguybuddy said:
Great build! I'm in the process of planning to work on a recent purchase of a mid 80's fleet to put on my tacoma, so i am definitely going to use this thread! Can i get a close up picture of the trim? Right now, all of the trim, the roof, and canvas (luckily recently replaced) have to be installed. I have an idea how it's done, but a little help would be greatly appreciated.


Actually, after looking at your pictures again, I'd wager that mine is the same model as yours. Suffice to say, I'll be following your build very closely. If you have any tips on what to look out for, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Hey. Glad to here someone else tackling a remodel too. Looking forward to seeing your progress. Please feel free to get in touch with any questions.

What trim do you mean specifically? Exterior along the edges? Like these?

or something else?

Be as spesific as possible and I can get you whatever photo you need.

Also, if you have a similar model I was told mine was build around 1984, just to share. FWC did not have an exact year for me when I asked. Best - tim
[SIZE=26.6667px]Panels 5[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]I thought I was really done with the panels. But I guess I had one more item I wanted to take care of. I did not know what to do about these corners in the bed area. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Then I looked at a lot of online videos and it seems FWC uses carpet to cover these areas. So I followed suit. But while I was at it, I went ahead and added this carpet all around the camper to cover the top 1” of aluminum framing above the panels. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]From the local home improvement store I was able to get this outdoor carpet:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I purchased a 12’X4’ piece. I wanted the long 12’ length to have the least amount of seams. And I got extra for the benches later. I think it cost like $18 so really cost effective![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The carpet is really easy to cut with some nice scissors. And can be glued in place with a nice contact adhesive.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I cut 5” wide pieces and tucked them under all the panels. [/SIZE]





[SIZE=14.6667px]For the corners I just made relief cuts to get the curve to fold flat. Then did some simple overlapping and I think it came out really well. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]All those seams are under a panel too, so really do not notice them much at all.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]The carpet addition really gives the camper a finished feel. I think in the winter it will help make the camper feel a little warmer (even if it is just in my head :).[/SIZE]

Roof Prep 2
[SIZE=14.6667px]Continuing my goal of getting the roof squared away before getting into the sidelinear. I was able to put in a few hours on the roof project this past weekend. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The camper came with a little solar panel that I want to run down into the camper so I had to add a wire pass through. I bought this item months ago but am just getting to it now. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I know there are many solar wire passthrough options, but it seem like a well made little product that I think will stay watertight and get the job done. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]1st was to cut the hole. I was kind of unnerved to cut a hole in my previous watertight roof.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]To adhere the passthrough to the roof I am simply using VHB tape. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I have this item at work so I was able to borrow a few inches of it. I know others use this tape for many applications (this is what gopro ships with their mounts) so I think it will stand the test of time.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]To ensure watertightness, I packed Butyl tape on the inside of the passthrough and ran a bead of silicone on the outside. Ill hope for the best now.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]After the wires pass into the roof, they will need to run out of the headliner to the cab of the camper. I improvised a bit and rigged up this little guy to act as a passthrough point. I think it should get the job done.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]A little customizing of some square brackets and it could be mounted in the roof.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Thanks for reading. I just need to keep reminding myself, one project at a time and we will be camping soon![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]For reference this work was performed in min November 2016.[/SIZE]
Thanks for a pic of the side trim as any close up pictures help tremendously. A detail of how exactly the roof trim, top and bottom, and how the canvas is integrated into it would be the biggest help. The carpet looks great, by the way. I may have to steal that...

Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next post!
justsomeguybuddy said:
Thanks for a pic of the side trim as any close up pictures help tremendously. A detail of how exactly the roof trim, top and bottom, and how the canvas is integrated into it would be the biggest help. The carpet looks great, by the way. I may have to steal that...

Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next post!

Ill be sure to snap photos as I move through the roof trim. In the mean team Pokybro's thread has a lot of the photos you are looking for.


Post 147 and 148 I think are the exact trim pieces and sandwiching you are asking about.

- Tim

Back to the EMT lift panels. The fabric folds between the stock flat panels, does the fabric pinch between the EMT as it folds? It seems that the center attachment at the pivot point would create a scissor.

By the way, SOM/Golden or CU/Boulder?

Hey boonie.

I did not notice any serious issues with the emt and pinching, but granted my fabric was already shot before I installed the emt.

I am at CU - mechanical engineer Phd, but I have experience down in golden too, ceramics.

PM me if you want to meet up, would love to see your build.
Get after it.
I noticed on the cab over bed plywood there seems to be a track or metal framing down the middle. Can you tell me what that is? The Grandby I just picked up doesn't have that, although there is a seam down the middle of the plywood. I think that's due to someone replacing the plywood and had to do it in 2 pieces, otherwise they would have had to remove the paneling. Thanks, Ron

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