84 Fleet - 09 Tacoma - Project

Just popping on real quick to post a photo for Shellback. My first window came out more or less successfully. Still need to tweak a few things but we are looking good. Here is one quick photo:

I plan on posting an extremely detailed oriented post with all my measurments, folding techniques, etc. I put a ton of time into planning this thing and would like to share that with others. But I will do that once it is actaully on the camper and works.

I also plan on making a video showing the complicated folds, etc. I am really into youtube right now so love making all types of videos :)

That looks great! I need to order more material, twice what I need in case of another whoops. I'm going to shorten my windows and go with 2 on a side. I think your walking foot machine is definitely a plus to have.
Living The Dream said:
Hey Lindy,

Yes I have seen them in the other orientation; both in the Phoenix and also in some custom van pop ups. I just updated with a post detail my new lifters. I am happy with the North South panels but would love to see yours if you go with something else. - Tim
After seeing your update, I'm ecstatic to use the same style you came up with. Pretty brilliant. I have been banging my head around trying to think of some kind of bearing system for the top pipe against the ceiling vs. grinding in the emt mount, if it even does. Again, many thanks for posting your pics and coming up with a great substitute!

lindy74 said:
After seeing your update, I'm ecstatic to use the same style you came up with. Pretty brilliant. I have been banging my head around trying to think of some kind of bearing system for the top pipe against the ceiling vs. grinding in the emt mount, if it even does. Again, many thanks for posting your pics and coming up with a great substitute!


Glad to hear you are iterating on the lifter design. I owe it to others on this site who did it before me.

Two tips I think I would look at to improve on.

1st. If you don't have any expereince bending emt, do some practice bends. Nice 90deg corners are helpful to make everything fit perfectly. A long level and flat ground will help you figure out this aspects. With a second set of hands you can tweak the pieces on the final bends and it really makes everything come together.

2nd. For the pins that lock the system in the upright position. On my first iteration I put these below the middle pivot. On the second iteration I put the pins above the middle pivot. I think having pins below the middle pivot works better. I am finding that when I go to remove the locking pins, there is some binding and it can be a real pain. If the pins are below the middle pivot I think less weight will rest on them and they will move in and out more freely.

Those are my two tips I can think of now. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

I owe my build page a huge update. I am still spending too much time enjoying myself and not enough time putting the camper together.

But the good news is I have finished the canvas, installed it, and the camper is on the truck. I actaully took it out for a shakedown this past weekend. I still have a lot to build/ put together, but am pumped it is useable again.

Since starting this build I have switched from loving photos to loving video. I actaully have once 100GB of footage of putting together my canvas and I plan on making some instructional videos from all of it. I plan on getting into that ASAP and will be sure to post it here for all to see. I hope people find it helpful when I do.

Updates coming soon. - Tim
Canvas looks great! I have my window panels finished but haven't sewn the other panels together. Have the factory style lift panels built of composite and did a test install. Pulled the roof and lift panels back off to do the interior. Camping for me starts in Oct after the summer heat. I've got about 6 weeks to get'r done.
shellback said:
Canvas looks great! I have my window panels finished but haven't sewn the other panels together. Have the factory style lift panels built of composite and did a test install. Pulled the roof and lift panels back off to do the interior. Camping for me starts in Oct after the summer heat. I've got about 6 weeks to get'r done.
Sewing the panel together actaully was not that difficult. One thing I did was only make 3 seams and left the fourth seam open with plenty of extra material. Then hung the entire canvas on the camper and actaully put together the final seam with hh-66 and a sailmaker awl. This saved my life. I measured a million times but once it was installed it became apparent I needed an extra 2 inches of material than I had originally thought. Give yourself this leaway!
Great picture Tim, you're doing exactly what your supposed to with these rigs! Glad you're having fun and enjoying yourself. Side liner looks great!
Finally, some proper video content that belongs over here on wander the west.

We had a great camping trip over labor day. Second weekend in the camper. Operating slightly below shell level right now but getting out in the camper is really motivating to finish everything up. An hour or two a night after work and we should be ready for one heck of a winter.

Hope you enjoy my videos. Click around my youtube page to see a lot more: http://youtube.tgmorrissey.com

Hello LtD
I have not checked this thread in quite sometime, but remembered when you first got your fleet pop up. Just went thru and awesome job, your stick to it, and doing what you haven't done before is inspirational. Really like the video at the end.

I enclosed this link because I was sad also when you had to go over the OEM sticker. ( made in Colorado ) hope you can find replacement.
Looks great on your rig, Happy Winter ski trip with you new camper.
CougarCouple said:
Hello LtD
I have not checked this thread in quite sometime, but remembered when you first got your fleet pop up. Just went thru and awesome job, your stick to it, and doing what you haven't done before is inspirational. Really like the video at the end.

I enclosed this link because I was sad also when you had to go over the OEM sticker. ( made in Colorado ) hope you can find replacement.
Looks great on your rig, Happy Winter ski trip with you new camper.
Thanks for the kind words Russ. Glad you have enjoyed following along. Thanks for thinking of the stickers! I have plans for a custom badge on the back. Something unique since I pretty much did a full rebuild, but it will pay tribute to original made in CO and remade in CO :) The camper is older than me! Need to embrace that.

I have access to a laser cutter and was thinking of a wood engraved badge of sorts :) That is low priority right now.
You can expect many more videos from me!
This video is not truck camper content. But I thought some of you would appreciate the opening scene with a beautiful timelapse of the camper.

I swear I'll post a build update someday. Huge rain/snow storm pushed some moister inside on the drive home. I think I need to re-caulk my windows. I had only installed them with butyl tape before. Thanks for checking in.

Congratulations to you and the Mrs on your half marathon, and thanks for posting the video, it was very well done. Makes one feel like you were there. You're getting pretty good at this videography, keep it up!

I just viewed your video you posted on the 6th, I was in Canada with no internet. Great job, must of felt great getting it out on the road! Camper is looking good! I just got my roof back on with the composite roof panels. My first trip is planned for the 22nd of Oct.
PokyBro said:

Congratulations to you and the Mrs on your half marathon, and thanks for posting the video, it was very well done. Makes one feel like you were there. You're getting pretty good at this videography, keep it up!

Thanks Poky!

shellback said:
I just viewed your video you posted on the 6th, I was in Canada with no internet. Great job, must of felt great getting it out on the road! Camper is looking good! I just got my roof back on with the composite roof panels. My first trip is planned for the 22nd of Oct.
Thanks Shellback. Looking forward to seeing how you finish out your project. October will be a big construction month for me too. WE can do it!!!

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