8th Year full time under the Stars


All Roads lead to Overland Expo. AZ

The dust has settled from days amongst an Epic wave of vehicles, people, Friends camping with, names which now have faces, dogs, classes, movies and more as I am sure I am forgetting something. Cooking! This Year's Overland Expo was larger than ever, it was an amazing array with everyone present living a common denominator : The Outdoors.
We had arrived early, amazed with the Coconino National Forest and it's hundreds of miles of well maintained unpaved roads and the bonus of some very cool weather. I always feel so ignorant as with in past years “Big Bend”, this stage also was a big green space on the map I had never quite paid much attention to.
Such discovery always makes me smile when I am asked at times “so what are you going to do when you are done?”. One is never done, only rests a few days as it was last weekend.
We are now on our way to Colorado in search for more such roads, elevation and cool weather. It is there awaiting.
Enjoy the many Photos of some truly incredible vehicles. There will be more, the camera did not rest too long.

Be well,

Ara and Spirit.

Summertime roads... CO

This is the time, the months, these precious moments when being in between four walls with a nice wifi connection is truly rare. These are the times chasing cool weather at high elevations meaning lost on some dirt road opening into a meadow reflecting the blue skies staging the pure and white clouds chasing each other. Sometimes blended with grays by the end of the days. Once in a while, as today, we find us a nice Library as here in “Lake City”, Colorado, and the communication again opens up, catching up on the well being of others, of Friends and acquaintances. I am seeing and feeling Colorado as never before. Maybe as every year that goes by new senses develop? I don't remember the colors so bright and so intense. I don't remember seeing so many unpaved roads going right and left. Posts keep going up on our Journal, we do have a great Webmaster, he makes it so easy for us. New Photos, thoughts, that is what these past years have been about... many thoughts. Maybe too many.
Talk soon and be well... we will be in Colorado for a while, the price of fuel is not much of our Friend lately!

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos
www.store.theoasisofmysoul.com The Recipes

www.printfection.com/spiritedoasis T Shirts and more

5 years, the Stars, living under them…

Lake City, Blue Mesa Reservoir, Salida and now Colorado Springs. CO.

The heat wave is following us or is it we are falling into it's heated arms? 100 +/- in Colorado Springs were we have stopped for a few days catching up on mail and errands. I feel as they should have a Weather Map for the Country indicating any regions under 70 degrees daytime. Not wanting to be stuck on a Peak we will probably soon move on North, a couple more days here it will be.
In the meantime we did spend a few days around Lake City and on down to Blue Mesa Reservoir and Salida to replace a passed away “will join the pile of dead electronics somewhere on Earth” smart phone.
I don't know why I seem to have lost a bit of stability. Maybe just have not found yet this space which will talk back to us and invite us to remain a bit longer than we have lately.
“Father's Day” has not helped neither these past days. Seemingly, the better the memories, the harder present times are.
I feel as we need a fresh start. Summertime and the roads await, we will find those empty spaces appealing to the senses. They are there and as before, they will be “here”. A couple entries: “Postcards from Colorado” and “Salida. CO”.

Be well,

Ara and Spirit.

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos
www.store.theoasisofmysoul.com The Recipes

http://www.printfection.com/spiritedoasis T Shirts and more

5 years, the Stars, living under them…

4th of July, a Rodeo, Friends and Nature’s Fireworks. WY.

No lack of excitement these days. Staying above 9000 feet, trying to and leaving only when Mother Nature decides to throw in her own Fireworks. Spectacular I must say when witnessing Mountains blowing up at Brooks Lake. A little Parade in a little town called Dubois, a Rodeo in another little town called Lander, all this is taking place in Wyoming. Brooks Lake up to the moment when the Mountain erupted only 9 miles from us has been one of the best space found with cool temperatures and many off chute roads we yet have to ride them all. Snow was even present when we arrived. I saw it as free ice even !
Tomorrow starts another leg in the Journey. Salem, Oregon to pick up... ( another surprise for now!) and on to Leavenworth, Washington, for a couple cooking Classes with the combined efforts of Snow Peak and Overland Journal.
One day at the time. Schedules? Never... We try not to anyhow.
Enjoy the photos of our past days.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos
www.store.theoasisofmysoul.com The Recipes

www.printfection.com/spiritedoasis T Shirts and more

5 years, the Stars, living under them…

A few days in Salem. The road to... OR

The stage has been #20 ~ #26 westbound toward Salem. Rural Americana with it's rustic remainders of now almost defunct villages and the farmlands adorning the shoulders mixed in with the entrances and exits of the various National Forests. As sad a bit such little villages are today as I could only guess from the faded storefront signs of their previous wealth, they provide a slice of History never found in books or pamphlets. The price of today's now as an antique standing tall fuel pump denotes the year when slowly the main street folded giving way maybe to a bypass or just the fact of a new generation leaving for the big town where the jobs might be more rewarding.
“Sublimity”, “Gates”, “Idanha”, “Unity”, “Prineville”, “Sweet Home”...
We stop when the old oaks have enough shade to cover us from the hot sun for Spirit and I to stand all alone within the silence of a non existent traffic and just be, sometimes often still hearing the noises of the past glamor today vanished.
We could have spend weeks covering such short distances, but we had to be as we are right now in Salem awaiting for 'Terra Explorer”. A surprising turn of events for us as seemingly this Journey has always brought on.
More Photos on the Journal... Enjoy.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos
www.store.theoasisofmysoul.com The Recipes

www.printfection.com/spiritedoasis T Shirts and more

5 years, the Stars, living under them…


Dropping South, Crater Lake, Mt Shasta. OR. CA.

Seems as usual the days of summer get away so rapidly. I savor the long days without much interruption and sleep is curtailed to less hours than ever. I even feel tired at times when I finally realize midnight in the woods has approached and the first sun rays jump start me so early. It has been quite some “couple of weeks” nourishing the relationship with “Terra Explorer”, I must say a more than pleasant one when riding those narrow trails without any apprehension. Reverse and two wheel drive leave me always speechless.
Yet we battle with Mother Nature at times. Looking for elevation, escaping the mosquitoes, running away from the high temperatures, summer has it's charm and challenges.
I forgot to mention “running away” from crowded spaces also, but when I saw Crater Lake I could not help wanting to spend a few days exploring the circle it makes. It was not too bad, traffic was light, one and only “tent camping” space was fairly quiet. We did escape it before the Friday and Saturday's exodus of the weekend warriors happened and dropped a bit more south to the top of Mt Shasta. As far as the road could take us anyhow.
The experience of a Sunset and a Sunrise (so far) adorned with a sky filled with traveling clouds left me just sitting in my chair and taking it all in. Act One, Two, Three and more...
I forgot. We also spend a few days in “Plain”, WA, coaching many cook outdoors with provided “Snow Peak” gear and the get together organized by “Overland Journal”.
The Photos will speak for themselves on the Journal.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos
www.store.theoasisofmysoul.com The Recipes

www.printfection.com/spiritedoasis T Shirts and more

6ht years, the Stars, living under them…

A serious case of debriefing. CA

Our Summer descend South has started. Too early for my taste but... always a but! House sitting a couple weeks for the same Friends who are going to take good care of Spirit while spending 2 weeks in Germany with my Mother. This is what happens when such events are planned right in the middle of Summer. Yet I am finding such a Season to be a difficult one since we like cold. Mosquitoes have never ceased, the heat is always present even if hovering around 10.000 feet, maybe need to switch our path to a different one. Pretty much stay put in the summer and confront the snow and colder elements in the winter in areas we have not seen covered with their white blanket. We now have the vehicle to do it with as “Terra Explorer” is turning out to be an amazing machine with a Old Soul trying to grow up a bit too fast!
We spend a grand time in Mc Cloud for about a week in a house loaned by our Friends, and now within the heat of Tucson we are pretty much staying put besides a magical evening a couple days ago North of Tonopah filled with storms and cooler temperatures.
Those will be photos for the next time. Right now it is all aboutNorthern California...

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos
www.store.theoasisofmysoul.com The Recipes

www.printfection.com/spiritedoasis T Shirts and more

6ht years, the Stars, living under them…

Intermission times... AZ

Helping Friends with some house sitting, the same Friends which will take care of Spirit while in Munich for a couple weeks in a week spending some quality time with my Mother. Here sheltered from the heat of the day, reorganizing photo galleries and more, all of it leading to some down time.
The local rides however are of many as Mt Lemon provides elevations up to 9000 feet pretty quickly while experiencing the afternoon summer monsoons, meaning buckets of water always a few seconds before rain gear can come on, Arivaca Road, Madera and Box Canyon or just sleep all day and stay up all night!
The thoughts are present and yet they are also ahead of these times. Wondering how things are doing at “The Oasis”, looking at maps for winter camping, reading feed backs for better warmer gear for those coming days as now, with “Terra Explorer”, the ability to travel on some forbidden trails are of the past.
It is a bit odd as always to be planted in an urban environment. We are enjoying it as much as we can, yet I feel as I am biting my time missing the open spaces.
The fever for outdoor living is now permanent and will only get worse.
Enjoy the local colors...

Be well,

Ara and Spirit.

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

The mapping of our Lives. Some “hang” photos, we live them.

It has become a bit thoughtful all these years. Maybe too much. All is slowly being replaced by contemplating adapting this mental mapping which is taking place. Lately. They are spaces I know of longer times taking roots are of an attractive greater choice. The connections are of only Mother Nature and maybe of a distant village somewhere not too near by. Nothing is holding us back, it will just be a bit more of planning when I return.
Bitter sweet it is this afternoon as Spirit is only a couple feet from a suitcase and a carry on ready for tomorrow morning when I will be flying to Munich for a couple weeks. There is much excitement spending some true quality time with my Mother and much sadness leaving my buddy behind.
Compromises are always everywhere seemingly a daily ritual one cannot avoid. As someone said the other day, as long as they are “positive compromises”. He is and will be in good care, there are no worries and suddenly before I know it back again it will be so we can both go on to Texas and regroup while meeting “Old Faithful” which I also miss.
In the meantime it was a couple evening rides up the Mountains southeast of us when the 100 degree days cooled off, a nice road called “Box Canyon”.(AZ).

Be well,

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

From Far Away... Home? Munich, Germany.

All has been set aside, “Terra Explorer”, “Old Faithful”, even Spirit is miles away and these two weeks are times spend with my Mother after a two years of absence. Too long. My Friends have send me e mails with more information than a Travel Agency could entice me, but at 85 the days out are shortened as never before with more time spending talking and reminiscing about past and present Life, planning future Life more than anything else. I am not playing Tourist here. The stories going back to great grand parents have been flying into the night, the present moments in this City which has changed since last time here and specially working on moving this Lady to move to Atlanta, a City she is familiar with, one that she likes. If not now, when?
Yet, the Daily Life here in Munich can provide a Photographer with more than enough oddities. I call “oddities” because of them being rarities in the States.
Photos of Spirit keep coming in from my Friends who have taken really good care of him. I am just wondering how he is going to feel the hard floors again from the comfortable king size bed he has shared with his Girl Friend “Miya”!
Tuesday night... back to Tucson and on to “The Oasis”. Immediately!
Stay well, enjoy the Photos.

Be well,

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

A blank page at “The Oasis”

Kind of limping with a bad shoulder and upper back we made it back to “The Oasis” and it is only just now getting back the ability to freely moving around. More or less! My patience is not the best when it comes to halting everything. Frustrating under medications awaiting feeling better is a better explanation.
This space has become the center of my Universe where we are all alone enjoying the silence and these past nights with a Moon getting full all is lit as daylight.
It is lounging here as being in a “Twilight Zone” literally loosing all sense of time and days, I cannot even tell how long we have been here.
This is what Big Bend will do to most when they let go of their Urban minds and slip into the present covers always so welcoming.
It rained like mad, stormed like crazy and today again the skies are blue as I think the good Spring weather is here. So welcoming.
Enjoy the Post Cards images of “The Oasis”.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

6 years, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

Time to regroup at “The Oasis”. TX

Turns out to be a good thing this little piece of land here in the middle of nowhere. Way South in Texas. Once a Year it is that time to regroup, specially with a new Hack which is not quite done, not quite accessorized for our needs. “Old Faithful” is still in Lander, Wyoming, it is going to be a long round trip haul to bring here down. Soon I hope. This “Terra Explorer” by the way is now named “Crusty” and she excels off road, “Old Faithful” is more the touring hack it seems like. I was able to pick up some interesting items while in Germany, at least get to know those items which I am showing in the Journal. They are mostly winter camping gear. Some that have shrunk in size and weight specially my kitchen, some that will keep us warmer. We have some big plans and I always kind of smile at my plans as I know too well none always go as thought. Past experiences are the proof.
I am actually writing this from Lubbock, Texas. Tomorrow “Crusty” is getting a much needed side case for more gear! Mr Spirit is doing well. His clowning has not stopped and I think right now he is a bit anxious to get back.
All the new gear in thisnew entrywith always many "Thanks" to our kind Sponsors.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

6 years, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

“35”. October 13ht. From “The Oasis”. TX

And then they are the times when the Road does not spare the hard times unlike some might think it is always the blue skies with no clouds. Lance's Birthday will of course not stop coming around and down again through memory lane the mind takes it's own Journey. There is no need for avoidance, this is what Life had planned. Learning to embrace the good ones, that is the good memories, and live uplifted by them is always the key to those days.
The space here is conductive for such a play of the hours going by. It is “The Oasis” with acres of beauty, miles and miles of roads, paved and unpaved, Friends that welcome us back for those times we will be here in and out this winter. This always has been the ultimate retreat and remains as such.
In a day or two we will however be leaving for Wyoming to retrieve “Old Faithful”, one more step to have it all together here.
The shoulder is getting better. We were able to take a long ride yesterday through Big Bend Park, always a treat. Paying the price a bit for it today, but this too shall pass.
More on the Journal...

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

6 years, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

Gray Days, Colorful mind. Texas.

Lingering here at “The Oasis” will do this. “This” meaning erasing clocks, calendars, any source of outside interference with our lives. A Heaven of tranquility and ecstasy and more, so much more it becomes harder and harder to describe what these millions of acres laid out ahead of us bring on day in and day out. Some of the past days have been hot, some have been covered with a ceiling of dark clouds, a cold front made it's way for a couple days and too quickly found the exit door, night time riding or daytime, nothing has stopped us from doing so, including a video of a bit longer nature. Winter is not yet upon us, not yet, this part of the Country seems to avoid it for as long as possible. Regardless of it all, today, as this little screen passes on images of the brutality with which Mother Nature has punched the East Coast I start thinking about such unfairness of the devastation. Cost of lives, homes, businesses, health for so many of the elderly, it is all very much so on a speechless path trying to wish everyone affected a speedy recovery. Wishing. Life has it's twists and turns of too many. Doesn’t it?

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7th Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

Falling into our 7th Year. Texas.

“Day of the Dead” in Terlingua was Friday and so was an Anniversary of our past departure from Georgia [Dawsonville to be precise] 7 Years ago, pretty much with no destination, mental or physical for that matter. Aspects of entertainment are at their highest here. One would not think so while crossing 80 miles of Desert from Alpine or Marathon or Marfa Southbound. There is a lot “happening”. At the same time we made new Friends as they have been traveling from London to South America in their little and efficient “Lada” with their Buddy “John”. No need for a Turbo charged top of the line vehicle, this one does it all as you can even watch the video I posted on the Journal with many Photos also of Friday's Celebration which this Year brought in a nice [and painted] larger crowd. In the meantime we are tomorrow morning taking off for the Park. I don't know yet which one, which direction, maybe Spirit will point the way as he always does.
Enjoy the Journal, much local colors.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7th Year, the Stars, living under them…

“Fresno” site, Mariscal Mines, Big Bend “Texas”

Perfect weather last week was not, still hot into the Park's southern spaces, a few days ago however all turned perfect with the help of a shy cold front. Coming out for some air for a few days, picking up forgotten items as finally a list has become a must [like a jack!] and going right back in who knows where. There are so many choices around us right now while helped by “Crusty” and it's optional 2 wheel drive and reverse. The road to “Mariscal Mines” is not bad at all except while going through dry washes, some broken up trail like situations, a bit of deep pea gravel, “Crusty” made it through it all with flying colors. The nights are beautiful with zero light pollution, quieter than any silence experienced and few are the ones coming through for a few minutes hopefully reminiscing about those Mine workers throughout their hard labor specially in summer times when the temperatures are around 120 degrees. Definitely a destination to be marked on a map, high clearance recommended.

Enjoy the Video and more Photos on the Journal.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7th Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

“Lost” in Big Bend Park, Texas.

The ability with “Crusty's” two wheel drive and reverse is keeping us away from this “Internet” aspect on roads and campsites which we have not been able to reach before. “Big Bend” has changed into a new World for us. Here we are though now, out for a few days having put some photos together, a couple videos, a couple new entries into our Journal, these Chapters which maybe some day will form themselves into a thick Book!
The latest days were passed on “Old Ore Rd” witnessing the magical changes of a stage so present, from clear blue skies to storms, from hot to cold and all in between and windy curtain calls. It is what we do best at times having to come out for water and provisions, a bit of fuel and then on right back into the silence and quiet that have surrounded us lately.
We live in such a beautiful Country which never cease to amaze me. There are no Urban ruffles where we go, it is always Spirit and I and the sights as they were centuries ago.
Enjoy, much more to discover.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7th Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

A week in between at “The Oasis”. TX

I started thinking “in between what?”. Maybe between episodes? A Friend of mine wrote to me that he is trying to stay “Off the Grid”. That was the expression I was seeking for though we “are” off the grid ourselves and yet I long for maybe what I can call “Really 'off' the Grid”! I also call it “deeper in” and “more inland”. This “Oasis” of ours with power trickling from solar as are also showers with hot or hotter water on a sunny day, meals cooked with wood or again solar as a mean of heat, all for some reason, maybe being used to it, seems a bit “urban” as much as it is not.

We have been in and out of Terlingua lately listening to some good Music [Video on the Journal] and longing for the past days when spend on “Old Ore Rd”. Now looking at maps and trying to figure out our next destination in a couple of days. With almost 3 million acres ahead of us it is not a very difficult task.
So yes, this is a week “in between” with more Dentist and Dr visits giving me the clearance for another Healthy Year. No “hoping”, it just will be, positive thinking always. It is what makes us going, going... gone.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…

“Grapevine Hills Rd”. Big Bend, Texas

Another great space into the Park for a few days. Another interesting road, not as difficult as “Old Ore Rd” but with the prize of a nice hike to the “Balanced Rock”. Once again the weather was more than perfect, the skies allowed for the clouds daily to play around, sunrises, sunsets, all in between could have not been any more enjoyable. Much cooking this time around, the cooler it is, the more I will cook, the better I eat and the more Spirit most likely gets frustrated as he cannot handle Human food. Poor Buddy of mine, sensitive stomach. It is all so well as “Crusty” continues to perform, she was designed for those roads. Hoping to get back in there again soon, maybe lucky enough to get a site around “Terlingua Abaja” right before the Holiday Madness starts. Of course this is not an Urban environment, such madness is limited, yet, it is for us as Terlingua and the Park will fill up quickly.
Enjoy the hike and the video.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

And a “Happy New Year”

...as we come out of “Big Bend National Park” after spending a few days camping at “Rattlesnake Mountain”. It is a Day like others yet does not feel as such. Such have become milestones for us, thinking we made it another Year and another one ahead of us wondering where this will take us, at what level will our Adventures climb up to? Some ideas are present, some decisions taken and now one step at the time to apply them all.
These past days in the Park were gifted with such incredible scenery, a weather so acceptable considering the snow coming down up North, some good riding and even meeting a few others also enjoying this land always so talkative.
A couple videos rendered today, one I am calling “The Moon climbing the Ocotillo”, it was luck being at the right place at the right time.
I found some footage from 7 Years ago [or more?] of the days when we received the sidecar, hooked it up and Spirit's first stay in it! I was choked myself watching it. I had to include it in another Video also in the Journal.
On to Terlingua now for the Annual “Black Eye Pea” Cook-Off. Why not? Many Friends there and familiar faces, smiling ones which I am sure also are welcoming this New 2013 Year.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal
www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos
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