8th Year full time under the Stars


A Sabbatical? Yes... TX

It is not a "closure"... It is a "sabbatical" from the Internet, not the Journey, much needed. It took me a week of writing trying to explain on our last [for now!] Journal entry the reasons and the whys of my decision and so there is not much sense trying to duplicate it here. For those who care to read it, you will understand... or not!

As much as we lived for ourselves, wrote for myself, as it has been now a few days off the Social Media platforms especially such as Facebook, I had never realized how deep the claws had dug in, in more ways than one! I am keeping our Instagram account which I really like while I can admire photos from all over the world [arawithspirit] and our You Tube channel under my name Ara Gureghian. Our Journal will stay open, just at idle for now, the little envelope icon is our email address. Our Smugmug Photo Gallery also, it is under the Beemerchef name. Our Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash" will continue to be available on Amazon or autographed by "us" through the last entry of our Journal.

I thought it would only be fair to come here and post this. The Journey will never stop as long as we are mobile even though some surgeries are right around the corner. I hope and looking forward to them so I can be as a Friend of ours said "second hand brand new".

Colder weather is now upon us here in Big Bend, Texas. This has to be the best time of the year. Invigorating I must say as even Spirit cannot stop running around in circles like a madman. He is a madman! We have passed the nine year mark on the road a few days ago and I have never heard a complaint from him. I think he has even started writing his own book... I will let you know when he is done.

We shall be back sooner than later I have no doubt. This is now almost as living before all this Internet craze started. Truly living for ourselves...

Thank You for all the support these past nine years... looking forward to reopening these pages in the future.

See you on the road...

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal

www.beemerchef.smugmug.com The Photos

10th Year, the Stars, living under them…
Know all about that back stuff-degenerative disk/spinal stenosis is my problem now-comes with age and my job of spending my life bouncing around on 4x roads and walking/climbingi all over the west. Yep put off doing anything about it for to long-don't wait any longer than you have too-get it fixed. Yep after a year of rehab, injections and never ending pain (no drugs here) , I get a bilateral laminotomy on my spine in early December :p . Everything a hear about that operation is good - like about 80% success rate. So maybe one of these days you might see me and the dog running thru the sage brush again. Anyway, hope all works out :D !

Ara, we are hoping for the very best results from your upcoming surgery (Smoke, you too!).

We are looking forward to hearing about a speedy and complete recovery!
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