A Few Days at the Upper Pecos

Thanks, highz! :)
That's a beautiful area that I know nothing about...far from my territory.
Looks like a great trip. And hey, around here I'd be bragging about a 10" rainbow, haha. I inherited a bunch of flies tied by my uncle on the condition that I use them. He was an avid fisherman. He lived in Dunsmir so they are western patterns. I want to get better at fly fishing and then head west where they grow big.
Nice one Highz, enjoyed the report! It amazing how we all have found so many nice places to go, but to bad about the cows, I know when not managed properly they can not only spoil a good area but make it unfit for anything else-must be my BLM bias speaking there.
Nice one, High. Sounds like camp was the way it ought to be, with the only real noise coming from the sky or the bears! Thanks for sharing the Pecos with us.
Thanks all. I'm certainly not bored with retirement yet! I'm trying to fit in as much camping as the budget will allow before winter sets in. In fact, I'm typing this from Three Rivers campground, not too far from home - just to the west of Sierra Blanca. Hope to get in some hiking tomorrow in the part of the White Mountain Wilderness that wasn't burned this spring.

I didn't expect to have cell coverage here I was sitting outside watching the sun set over the Tularosa Basin and I saw the silhouette of what looked like a cell tower off on a distant ridge. Sure enough, I have good coverage here. I guess that means I can keep tabs on whether the SF Giants stay alive in the postseason.
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