A few days in SE-Oregon...maybe NW Nevada

Well the forecast for the hills is 75 and sunny. We'll see what happens. My inclination is to go on. I'll wait till Wednesday and see what the forecast says. Otoh, rainy weather isn't conducive to sightseeing. Then again a little rain never hurt anyone. If its just a few hit and miss showers I won't let that bother me. Glad to hear things are going well (wth is greasewood?). Still waiting for pics.
...Glad to hear things are going well (wth is greasewood?).
Still waiting for pics.

"greasewood" = Sarcobatus vermiculatus
It's a common Great Basin desert shrub that's more salt-tolerant than sagebrush and even more than rabbitbrush (the 2 most common high desert shrubs, in Oregon anyway), so it's found further out into the lower/central areas of dry sinks and basins of the Great Basin, which usually have salty soil. Typically, greasewood is the last ring of vegetation before more-or-less sterile bare playa. (In Death Valley and other super-salty areas there are plants that are more salt-tolerant than greasewood, e.g., pickleweed)
(Some people call creosote bush "greasewood"...but they shouldn't.

Pics: Where I am now -- McGill Canyon mouth, Jackson Mts, eastern Black Rock -- I barely have a cell signal (connection to the outside world), and even that's only because I have a powered signal amplifier or I'd be completely incommunicado. My connection is too slow/flaky to make uploading photos worth the frustration. I'll be in an area (probably) with a better signal Tuesday...we'll see.

"Weather" is blowing in...it's windy, mostly overcast, and VERY warm for this time of night in this area: 55°F.
Craig, if you're looking for pics from my current trip to guide your decision about coming up here...it'd be better for you to just search on "steens mountain" "alvord desert" "hart mountain" "sheldon wildlife refuge" "black rock desert" "jackson mountains". All of these areas are covered on the interweb, some of them have entire websites devoted to them.

It was unseasonably balmy on the Black Rock last night -- low was 44°
...needless to say, I didn't turn the heater on.
I woke once during the night to the sound of rain on the camper roof, but the ground was dry this morning. That's the thing about this area -- most of the danger of mud-to-get-stuck-in is from seeps, springs and creeks -- not rainfall directly wetting the ground; there ain't much of it. On the other hand...this morning I can see a dusting of fresh snow on the high-ground of the Pine Forest Range and the Black Rock Range, maybe on the Jackson Mts, too, but I'm too close to the base to see the summits.
OK, Craig, here's a pic -- the only one you really need to see for the Alvord Basin area:

Fields, OR. Just fueled up here. I think I'm headed for the hot springs campground at Hart Mt tonight.
OK, Craig, here's a pic -- the only one you really need to see for the Alvord Basin area:

View attachment 16141
Fields, OR. Just fueled up here. I think I'm headed for the hot springs campground at Hart Mt tonight.

Wish me and "Bob" were there too Mark-but my other mission got in the way. Overcast here, almost feels like winter (except when the sun peaks out). Chance of rain all week here with the highest % on the weekend. Craig-if you stay on the main roads you should be okay from here north (maybe spend the night in Lassen co to see what the weather does), have you thought about just heading to Lakeview and taking 140 over towards Hart Mtn and the Steens and/or swinging south toward Via, Fields and up to the Steens that way-sort of try to miss any storms, or if bad head south? Lot's of places to camp everywhere along the way, with lot's of travel options to ponder, but carry cash if you may have to tank up at Adel, Or-no credit cards here!

Thanks for the tip about cash. Doesn't look like fields has diesel. I've already fueled up my Can just in case. Sticking with paved roads (or gravel) isn't so bad since its all new area to me anyway. See what Wednesdays forecast says. I just hate the thought of barbecuing in the rain. Although it may be a chance to see how it works with the awning. Pics mark, refer to your/our pics, online stuff doesn't count

P.S. I told myself not to check today but i did anyway. Weather.com has taken rain off the forecast for Adel, Denio, and Gerlach. Sunny would be better than cloudy but I'll take it.

By reading these words, accessing this Topic, or by coming in contact with a computer or other electronic device, users of the MarkBC Travel Routing Service or its Routes agree to and are bound by the following terms:
  • The MarkBC Travel Routing Service shall not be held responsible for any loss of life, limb, property, precious time, nor for getting lost that occurs in the course of following a MarkBC Route.
  • Furthermore, any satisfaction, pleasure, delight, wonder, amazement -- any positive feelings whatsoever -- that occur in the course of following a MarkBC Route must be considered purely coincidental and unrelated to following said Route; said occurrences are absolutely not guaranteed.

Nevertheless, you just may have a good time -- hope so.
Thanks for the tip about cash. Doesn't look like fields has diesel. I've already fueled up my Can just in case.

Fields Store (cafe, gas station) takes credit and debit cards -- I used one there today to buy gas and food. They have a diesel pump (green handle, right?)...but I couldn't guarantee that they have diesel to sell from it. I'd be surprised if they didn't since diesel is the engine of choice for all the ranchers and hunters who come through there. They have a phone, but I don't know their number -- web-search on Fields store (and/or cafe) in Fields, Oregon -- call and ask them about diesel.

Fields Store and Cafe caters to Carhart-wearing local ranchers and actual working cowboys as well as synthetic-fleece wearing, bird-watching, Subaru-driving, desert-loving, urban-dwelling tourists as well as hunters (who fall somewhere in between those two social extremes).

BTW: I ended up not camping tonight at the Hot Springs C.G. at Hart Mt...instead I drove down off the plateau and into the Warner Lakes Valley and then drove up a few miles (primitive road) to a remote spot next to the base of the Poker Jim Ridge: I'm here tonight. In all my many trips to Hart Mt over 20+ years I've never driven up this way..."new" is cool!
Looks nice on the map. I have (to me at least) good news. I got an extra day off. We ran out of tea makings so I asked for thursday off and they gave it to me. I'll be heading up thurdsay morning sometime. Won't need to camp out along the way after all. Weather looks good except for maybe some showers Sunday. I'll have plenty of time to explore. Maps haven't arrived, I'll have to make due with what I have. If I were to have a problem (temporary loss of mobility ie. stuck) I have enough food for a couple weeks. I'll still have lunch at fields and bruno's.

What I haven't mentioned to anyone is I have grown a full beard. I hope after six days I don't begin to look like bigfoot.
Looks nice on the map. I have (to me at least) good news. I got an extra day off. We ran out of tea makings so I asked for thursday off and they gave it to me. I'll be heading up thurdsay morning sometime. Won't need to camp out along the way after all. Weather looks good except for maybe some showers Sunday. I'll have plenty of time to explore. Maps haven't arrived, I'll have to make due with what I have. If I were to have a problem (temporary loss of mobility ie. stuck) I have enough food for a couple weeks. I'll still have lunch at fields and bruno's.

What I haven't mentioned to anyone is I have grown a full beard. I hope after six days I don't begin to look like bigfoot.

Craig I just-now sent you another PM with a couple of map links about Alvord Desert camp spots.
Have fun -- I think you'll be fine with just the Oregon and Nevada Benchmark atlases. You have those, right? And NOT the Gazeteer?
): those were supposed to show up today. I'll stop by CSAA on the way and see what they have. Not too worried, I have a knack for only getting lost once every couple years. I'm sure this isn't the year
My original plan for this trip was to mostly camp in the Steens/Alvord region...but that's the one spot I didn't camp. Who needs plans, anyway?!
I'm home now...will review photos and put together a trip report in the next couple/few days.
Craig-it's overcast with a light rain here, and supposed to be that way the rest of the week. But the temps are pretty high compared to last week. Remember to if you happen to find yourself driving through Lakeview, the BLM office is on 395 just south of town if you still need some maps. Have a good trip, lot's of pictures so with Marks:LOL: we should get a good look at the conditions out there! Time to walk the dog in the rain-you got to be tough to live out west:LOL:!

Hmmm, might be worth going through Lakeview. Heading out the door right now. Sure hope the weather improves. Earlier it was only rain on Sunday. Ah well, committed now.
Forecast ain't that bad...rain gonna stop...and by the satellite it looks mostly like showers at worse, anyway -- not non-stop rain.
The view this morning of Craig's travel zone looks mighty fine.


Fresh snow, I think, visible at the high elevations of the Warner Mts, Hart Mt, Steens Mt, Trout Creek Mts, and Pine Forest range.
The view this morning of Craig's travel zone looks mighty fine.

View attachment 16155

Fresh snow, I think, visible at the high elevations of the Warner Mts, Hart Mt, Steens Mt, Trout Creek Mts, and Pine Forest range.


Cool...Told ya! :D

Say...how do we know you're not actually sitting at home in Sac, watching daytime TV?

I've been told that pics are required...
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