A New Baby!

I expected a larger window...not a smaller one!

This poses somewhat of a problem here because Stan told me that the some of the older windows have had moisture problems and that is one reason they are looking at other options. So it's old "leaky", or the new "micro"...yikes.

I don't think you would have moisture problems where you live. I never had a problem with the original rear window.
Regarding the window and Tundras - the original rear window was wider, but only the center part of it opened. There was never a configuration that utilized all the open space provided by the Tundra full sliding rear window. Perhaps a wider version of the new porthole window would be neat - the whole thing would pop-out and provide a lot of cab access. But would the large/complicated boot that would be required be worth it?
I thought the same thing, Dirty Dog. Even if it did leak it would dry in this climate in a short timeframe. The humidity here was 10% yesterday...

I too have cancelled the order for the lift system. I'm told it can be added later if I decide my head doesn't have enough bumps on it as it is...LOL. I can see problems down the road and a lot of replacements 'cus it looks like a dandy handle for small kids to pull themselves up to the bed on when dad isn't looking.

I also made the request for my unit to have the old style slider over the newer "dink" window. I now see the screws in the frame for the photo provided of the lift system so I'm condfident that I can take the unit to a good glassman and come up with something that truly addresses opening this window up as much as possible to accomodate the "Tundra" full-drop window.

I feel badly for you leadsled. While the website says they can make changes without notice..it seems that there can't be THAT many folks whose units are in production as the switch over from one window/mod to another happens and it seems that that they could have notified (somehow) those who were going to be affected by the change.

best of luck....

It is the factory...They have all the right tools.

You think that they could start another camper for you and sell the one they have started to somebody else. I think the frame is allready welded up to the small size window and the outside skin is on.

If you are preparaid to wait longer then they should be able to get the window framed and installed that you want. It is still a lot of money for a camper. You should get what you paid the deposit for and what the current window was befor the change. Or at least a option.
window and lift


I just got off the phone with Stan.....my camper has just left the framing stage, but it isn't too late to yank the tiny window, and put the original large slider in. I couldn't deal with the small front window.

I'm glad I read this thread and got involved. It saved me from a modification that I wouln't have liked.

This forum is great! This forum works because of all the great people involved in it.

The fact that you all like pictures so much is what prompted me to post the pictures of the new window and the lift system in the first place.

My reaction to both mods were the same as yours.
I wonder if they could swap it out for one like the large side window? But Mtn Man's right right for that kind of dough get what you want.
I sure would like to have that little port hole on the drivers side front of the camper..I had a window there on my old fleet model and thought it was great..

Do you remember that little window PV??? I agree with you on visibility and the regular cab truck. That little window would be a hinderance for sure...

My first camper had a solid back window that was just not working for us. I wanted the "mini rv" feel, and crawl through. For several years we had no back window in the truck and no front window in the camper. We had a custom boot made out of canvas that created a whole window size crawl through.It was great. My wife got pretty good at crawling back there under way and getting me a tostada of ceviche.....

In the end there was just to much dust entering the old camper and making its way forward into the old truck.. It was great for on road travel(boring), and sticking your longboard through. Ended up putting a rear slider back in both truck and camper..

Make sure you get a slider, not a solid window!

It must be noted here that TT's wife is put together not unlike a fashion model. I can just see me crawling through the thing. All 360 lbs of me.
window and lift

Yes DLN, Stan was great to work with. He is dedicated in providing excellent customer service.

That is one of the reasons I chose Four Wheel Campers in the first place.
Regarding the window and Tundras - the original rear window was wider, but only the center part of it opened. There was never a configuration that utilized all the open space provided by the Tundra full sliding rear window. Perhaps a wider version of the new porthole window would be neat - the whole thing would pop-out and provide a lot of cab access. But would the large/complicated boot that would be required be worth it?

Exactly my point in all of this, DD. There has never been a configuration to take advantage of the full-slider. It isn't rocket science and there are tons of window manufacturers out there...I'm just a bit surprised that it *hasn't* been addressed before now. After all, I've had my truck for goin on 4 years...and I see quite a few full-drop T's out there so I'm not the *only* guy who bought one w/that option.

Yes. For me the larger/custom opening/boot/whatever it takes to make it happen will be worth it. I have a Snugtop topper @ present that the window folds down on and provides full access..and I made a boot myself to fit this application that works pretty good for what it is...a swimming pool foam "noodle" that I cut the proper width on the tablesaw...leaving a 180 sphere of foam that is just the right width to tuck right in between the shell and the cab. With this I can keep my dogs cool with th A/c all the way in the back...access the cooler (though my days of reachin over the seat for a cold one are long over) etc.

I plan to do the same thing with the FWC...even if I have to remove the old-school slider window entirely. (slapping it back in or driving everywhere in reverse if it rains...LOL) Surely *someone* out there will make me a custom boot if I can't fashion one myself that is suitable!

glad it worked out for ya leadsled! And yes...this forum is a great place to share...good and bad.

It all comes out in the wash...as they say!
lift assist and front slider.

I deleted the small window and they are going to install the "old style slider" in your camper.We have also deleted the "lift assist".
I have the lift assist on 2 campers we have in stock.it works extremely well.I would say that on an extended bed Hawk or Grandby it reduces the lifting force required to pop up 70%.it also helps with popping down by allowing the top to "float" down once the handle is pulled.It may not be for everyone,but for people that are not as strong as they would like to be it is a very nice option to have.
we had one customer that had it installed on his new hawk extended bed and he was very pleased with the performance of it.
It does come into the sleeping area a little bit,but it is possible to sleep around it or have a shorter person sleep there.
I would call it a worthy improvement,something we as dealers have been asking for.
We have been using and selling the FWCamper for a long time.i would have to say that the factory strives to make the camper better and there have been allot of improvements that have been made over the years to improve the camper.I would say that a watertight window and lift assist would also make the camper better if you chose those options.
Sean @ www.go-anywhere.us
Your Midwest source for FWCampers
I would probably use the lift assist. I occasionally had a Yakima rocket box on the top of the camper. Even empty, it would add enough weight to make lifting the top a death-defying act for a single person. I did hurt my neck once attempting it by myself. If the lift-assist made a small amount of roof-top weight more manageable, I would opt for it.
TT it would be nice to have that side window back and a back door with the window slider.

Jay I can see the report...."Man sticks himself like Winne The Pooh"

Glad all worked out for you.

Stan is a great person to work with:thumb:
Hi Sean,

Thanks for the feed back on the lift system.

As always there is just the right object or mod that fits a person just right.

Keep up the good work and maybe some day that lift system may be just the ticket for me.:thumb:
Thanks sean. I appreciate the changes. My wife wasn't gonna be too happy with that cylinder unit in *her* sleeping space. LOL. I think the best thing to do is get her used to helping me pop-it-up from the get-go if she plans on sleeping inside...

As you can see, there hasn't been much (any?) talk about window leaks since bringing this topic up here. Had everyone who posted commented that they had a leak in their slider I would have possibly thought differently about the smaller window. It seems that most who have commented feel the addition of a smaller window isn't something that is highly desirable.

Oh well...it looks like I'm on my own on this to come up with a solution for my Tundra. Once I receive the unit I can see who makes the slider..the size of the rough opening..etc. and start a search of window manufacturers to see if there's an alternative window out there. Oh brother...

It's always *somethin'*... truly...it is. (my wife says I'm cursed in that nothing ever seems to just "work")
First pics are IN!

Check it out! I think we're getting there...


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