Adult Woman Killed By Coyotes


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon

First time I've heard of an adult getting killed by Coyotes!

First time I've heard of an adult getting killed by Coyotes!

Actually coyotes frequently target folk singers :eek:
Weird. I always thought we were safe around coyotes. One more reason to carry in the woods.
Actually coyotes frequently target folk singers

LOL. Classic Barko, thanks for that one.

Though this is a tragic event for family and friends of this young woman, it is a rare event. You need to put things in perspective. On average, there are less than twenty shark attacks a year worldwide, and less than 20% of those are fatal. Many people will go to the beach but not enter the water for fear of sharks. Yet more people are killed annually by falling coconuts. They should avoid the beach and stay in the water!

More than 30,000 people are killed in the U.S. every year in traffic accidents. If you are really concerned about your well being, sell your truck and camper, move into the woods, and live with the wild animals. You will be much safer.
Though this is a tragic event for family and friends of this young woman, it is a rare event. You need to put things in perspective. On average, there are less than twenty shark attacks a year worldwide, and less than 20% of those are fatal. Many people will go to the beach but not enter the water for fear of sharks. Yet more people are killed annually by falling coconuts. They should avoid the beach and stay in the water!

So what you are saying is that coyotes are the new sharks of the woods?
Yeah Ted. Americans are all screwed up when it comes to risk management. But hey, it gives us something to talk about.

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