Alaskan Camper Club International


Advanced Member
Sep 18, 2010
Searching for information regarding the club. Newsletters, pictures, how many chapters there were.
What is known is very limited.
Glad you posted this. I would like to know more too. Would love to see someone resurrect the club and set up a forum specific to Alaskans. I never met an owner who wasn't somewhat infatuated with Alaskans and am somewhat surprised at how little activity there is related to them on the net.

One of my campers had two of the plastic club emblems on it, along with two metal banners indicating the local branch (the 49ers). I only have this photo available at the moment...


I also have an old club newsletter from southern CA that was in the '59 8ft I recently acquired. I will have to dig it out and see if I can at least get a photo or two of it.
Fesser if you have a fb account look up Alaskan Camper Club. Also there is a fellow who is reproducing the plaques. Love to see the newsletter.
Thank you for your reply.
So this is what we have aquired so far. One ACCI round club plaque that we are starting to reproduce in plastic. One pioneers rocker also reproducing. I just aquired a 49'ers rocker, a NEVADANS rocker, a BEAVERS rocker for Oregon. And last but not least a original Alcan emblem. All are going to be reproduced in the near future. Now if I can just find a copy of the ACCI newsletter. This is a huge mystery and the ones that know about this club are mostly gone. Any help is figuring out this mystery is greatly appreciated.
Have you checked with the company? It's always been a very customer oriented company, and I would be surprised if they weren't able to provide some info or history.
So now we know much much more with eight chapters

Pioneers: Southern California.

Washington: Evergreens

C-Coasters: Central California

Forty-Niners: Northern California

Deserteers: Southern California Desert Area

Oregon Beavers: Oregon

Wyoming Broncs: Wyoming

Nevada NEVADANS: Nevada
And possibly one more?

Oklahoma Roadrunner's

I can't download any pictures with my phone but as soon as I can I shall share pictures.
New information has been confirmed that there was a A.C.C.I. chapter called the ROADRUNNERS. They were in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Louisiana. Also that there was at one time a Alaskan camper manufacturer in Houston TX. Chasing history is fun and exhausting but bringing new information back is very exiting.
Well myself with the help of a gentleman in Tennessee we have reproduced a ALCAN emblem. The reproduction is in plastic and is almost a perfect match. Had to reinforce the bottom part of the lettering. If you have a Facebook come join us at Alaskan camper club.

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