Alaskan Camper Youtube Videos


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2014
Irmo, SC
We have an Alaskan Camper Gallery, how about an Alaskan Camper YouTube Thread? If you have a video of your camper, or are thinking about making one - post it here. I'll start by adding an older one that I'd done and one that I did last month. Don't be shy, you couldn't be any shakier than I am on camera. :p

Well....seeing as how the "Cult of Alaskans" is a fiercely loyal group of campers, I for one would enjoy seeing the videos of other owners regarding their rebuilds, their adaptations or add-ons, some how-to clips and some on how they were secured to the truck and how the use of the tailgate and/or step up questions were resolved.

I would venture a guess that compared to the FWC and ATC owners here, a much larger percentage are from the 60s and 70s and therefore have problems the bulk of those other owners may have yet to deal with (leaks, insulation, foam mattresses needing recovering/replacing, O-rings, complete piston replacements, those kinds of things).

I've seen Ken's handiwork along with others, but they seem to be spread out so maybe an "Alaskan You Tube" forum where the star of the show isn't Lake Whatchamacallit or something....but your Alaskan camper itself.

I think if those who do post videos through links in that forum Identify them by YEAR and if they are CO or NCO would help immensely. I will say this, by reading a lot of the WTW Alaskan-orientated posts over the last year, working on MINE is much easier as I have already experienced a lot of "aha!" moments and picked up a few tips along the way.
Bryan Wheat says he is getting tired of giving the introductory tour all the time, and is going to produce one or more YouTube videos covering everything you need to know about your new Alaskan Camper. We have a 2017 8.5' cab over, and are in all too frequent contact with Bryan about how to do this or how to do that. I hope he does produce the videos. I doubt however that he can anticipate every question that we have had let alone all other owners!
Pat Anderson said:
Bryan Wheat says he is getting tired of giving the introductory tour all the time, and is going to produce one or more YouTube videos covering everything you need to know about your new Alaskan Camper. We have a 2017 8.5' cab over, and are in all too frequent contact with Bryan about how to do this or how to do that. I hope he does produce the videos. I doubt however that he can anticipate every question that we have had let alone all other owners!
Hi Pat, welcome aboard. You make the third CBrat here on WTW. Jody is a member, too

For other members, Pat and his bride Patty are boating friends of ours. Last year they took their 25’ CDory around the Great Loop tour on the east coast. Hopefully, they will post a link to their blog about the loop, it was quite an adventure. I look forward to seeing some of their travels with the Alaskan.


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