Alvord Country Visit


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
I've said for a long time that the Alvord Desert/area is my favorite place in Oregon...and yet, in the past 8 months since I've retired and have all the time in the world, I haven't made a single trip out there. Seems kinda odd, doesn't it?

(I stopped at the Fields Cafe for lunch on my way home from Utah in May, but that's not a real visit).

So, since we're in this big high-pressure zone in Oregon -- it's clear, cold, and dry for the foreseeable future -- it seems like a perfect time to reacquaint myself with my favorite place!
A good time to do a 360 pano of the playa....lots of sun to be absorbed by the PV panel and converted to E. It's gonna be cold at night, but should stay on the positive side of 0F.

And there's cellular coverage (mostly), so I can be in touch with the world if I want to. (yeah, I like combining wildness with connectivity

I may not spend all the time specifically on/at the Alvord...maybe even drop down to the remote and wild east side of the Black Rock, along the west side of the Jackson Mts, McGill Cyn, if I get ambitious.

I'm leaving Monday morning and returning home Thursday.
I wish I could join you. The GF has a somewhat serious injury so I had to cancel my Big Bend trip and I'm on home duty for a while. Looking forward to hearing about the trip!
I wish I could join you. The GF has a somewhat serious injury so I had to cancel my Big Bend trip and I'm on home duty for a while. Looking forward to hearing about the trip!

Well, shoot. Tell her to get well soon.
I wish I could join you. The GF has a somewhat serious injury so I had to cancel my Big Bend trip and I'm on home duty for a while. Looking forward to hearing about the trip!

Sorry to hear about your gf, DD. I was wondering what happened to your planned post-T-Day trip...

I may be in touch from out there...and will surely post a Trip Report later. :)
MarkBC, travel safe and have lots of fun!

DD, wish wishes for a quick and successful recovery for your GF!
FYI/FWIW, I'm delaying my trip by a day, now planning to leaving tomorrow morning and probably coming home Friday...maybe Saturday:
  • I'd forgotten and didn't notice until this morning that the window in my camper door had shifted in it's frame, leaving big air-leaking gaps.

    It must have happened on the way home from my last trip. I can shift it back into place with my hand...maybe I'll just squirt some silicone rubber in the slot, push the glass in place, and call it good.
  • There's a birthday gathering for a good friend of mine tonight, and if I leave tomorrow I can participate in the festivities.
  • Tonight is forecast to be the coldest of the next several -- single-digits tonight with teens the following nights...and though I'm not afraid of cold, I'm not deliberately seeking it, either!
I'll still be out there for 3-4 days/nights so it's all good. :)
Birthday gatherings for old friends are always good... :cautious: especially when they involve good pizza, etc...
Mark, there are several posts on the fix for that. Sounds like you broke a plastic tab that keeps your window in place. Some of us have placed a block of styrofoam or wood to "shore" it up. Pretty easy fix FYI. Silicone would probably work temporarily but you also run the risk of breaking your window when it goes again. Just a friendly heads up.
Mark, there are several posts on the fix for that. Sounds like you broke a plastic tab that keeps your window in place. Some of us have placed a block of styrofoam or wood to "shore" it up. Pretty easy fix FYI. Silicone would probably work temporarily but you also run the risk of breaking your window when it goes again. Just a friendly heads up.

Thanks, SunMan. :)

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