Anybody home-brew?


Advanced Member
Mar 13, 2012
I've been brewing my own beer for about 4 years now. I started off with extracts and eventually moved on to all grain brewing.
I am a home brewer as well. I brewed one extract and was then shown the all grain process immediately after, I have been hooked ever sense! Brewing all types of brews with my latest favorite being a Bourbon Barrel Porter. Brewed the porter, for secondary added 2 oz of oak chips and a few days before bottling I added a bottle of Makers Mark. It is a beer that can improve with age.
I am a home brewer as well. I brewed one extract and was then shown the all grain process immediately after, I have been hooked ever sense! Brewing all types of brews with my latest favorite being a Bourbon Barrel Porter. Brewed the porter, for secondary added 2 oz of oak chips and a few days before bottling I added a bottle of Makers Mark. It is a beer that can improve with age.

Sounds delicious! I went all grain after 3 batches and I thought I was hardcore. I would have failed miserably if I attempted it after only one batch! I'm impressed.

I want to brew an IPA next but I haven't found a good recipe. I want to try and make a clone of Sam Adam's Whitewater IPA (delicious).
Just moved my Czech pils to the secondary, time to drop the temps down to the 30's. I take out my fruit and veggie tray from fridge and pile my food around the carboy if needed, I have my priorities!
I do/did but with the kids in the mix now and I'm building my new camper I've had to prioritize hobbies so my gear is up on the shelves for now, I'll brew again I'm quite sure.

I was all grain, 5 tap kegorator (one nitro tap), beers and meads is what I was into. Lots of IPA/high gravity brews.

Anybody take their home brew travelling? I would think the quality would be affected by temp changes and vibration.

Not really any more/less than a commercial beer.
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