Atwood furnace mod. 8012-11


Dec 31, 2010
I have a 2011 Atwood Mod.8012-11. It is in a 2011 Hawk.
We have not used the furnace often. when the thermostat is turned
on and placed at higher than ambient temp. The furnace
will not always start. We reset breaker etc. and try again.
Usually with the same results. Then the next time I try it,
it turns right on and works great the rest of the time. The next
time we get ready to go, I will try it and it will go on. So
I think all is well. Get to the camp, same thing happens.
Therm. on nothing happens. two hours latter I try it and it works fine.
When the therm. is turned on even when the furnace does not light, a red light
flashes then goes off. I checked the thermostat by jumping it with wire.
it still will not come on. Red light does come on as with therm.
I will call Terry at FWC Monday but was hopping I could fix it this wk. end.
Any ideas. Thanks Den
Look at the bottom of page 4 of this pdf. which set of flashing is the light doing? Steady. 1 flash, 2 flash, or 3 flash?
Thanks for the help. I have not watched to see if it flashes more than once.
Only flashes once when jumped or by thermostat. I think it does that on normal start.
nothing about one flash on diagnostic chart. Thanks I will call FWC .
Hmmm, let us know what you find out. Have you checked your voltage level when this is going on? Wondering if there is a min voltage you're not meeting.
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