Back on the Road - Death Valley National Park

Great report as always. Sad that people don't know the rules. Was there any opportunity to educate them?
My first solo vehicle trip in DV was also to Eureka via Crankshaft. The road looks pretty good.
Great stuff, Ski. It was warm weather during out desert travels also. Good time to visit Eureka Dunes.

Singing sand! The rumors must be true. I always loved the squeak of really clean sand on the beach. I wonder if it's a similar phenomena?

The Last Chance Range has intrigued me with the bands of color, so prominent. I've looked while driving to the dunes and beyond, but understood the distance was must greater than it appears.

Looking forward to further installments . . .
Now if I can just finish writing my own TR :oops:
Thanks Ski's for the report.Great place to go on the maiden trip.
We have one area of sand dunes here that we walk by and enjoy watching the sand and how it moves,very interesting.
Thanks for the ride along.
Ski you mentioned in the TR about meeting another WTW member,Missing Link.I always find this fun,being out camping and have someone from WTW come up and introduce themselves and say aren't you so in so.
It just goes to show how nice our "cult" is.
Keep traveling.
ETAV8R said:
Great report as always. Sad that people don't know the rules. Was there any opportunity to educate them?
My first solo vehicle trip in DV was also to Eureka via Crankshaft. The road looks pretty good.
Other People-sometimes the worst part of enjoying the out back! You know I was lucky enough to be able to have a dog as my field pardner for all those years i spent with BLM out and about (and on vaca too)! Generally speaking, some people seem to think that being in the back country means you can let your dog run, let it crap where it wants to and generally let it run wild -and that is not the case, just like us people camping where you want just cause you are in Death Valley NP because you are with nature now! This TR is about the "Ski's" wonderful trip and their great photo's and breaking in their new camper, so this is not a hi-jack , but again my dogs have never been allowed to run free out in back country and maybe that discussion is worth it's own thread, so if anyone wants to cuss and discuss about dogs in the back country let's do it! By the way, the Niners won today! Great photo's guys!

Smoke (and Bob the border collie)
My wife and I are planning to go to Death Valley next month. It's our first time there and I don't have a FWD truck. My Raven is on a standard Ram 1500. Can anyone recommend a good first timer DV campground? Is Furnace Creek too over crowded to be enjoyable?
"My wife and I are planning to go to Death Valley next month. It's our first time there and I don't have a FWD truck. My Raven is on a standard Ram 1500. Can anyone recommend a good first timer DV campground? Is Furnace Creek too over crowded to be enjoyable?"

Bob, I'll cover other places we stayed on this trip and feel free to checkout our other stories about staying in Death Valley. In my experience, to get to many of the places we have been in Death Valley 4x4 has not been necessary. But, I grew up with a father that took us everywhere in a 56 and then 59 Ford stationwagon. We did have to use bubble gum to patch holes in the gas tank a few times. That always made Mom nervous. With the weight of the camper our truck climbs well. I do like 4x4 low when the grade is steep on the way back down to hold the truck back. Honestly, most of the campgrounds in Death Valley are pretty nice with good neighbors, so don't let the idea of campground hold you back. Where we choose to stay is based on access to where we want to to explore/see. In the central Furnace Creek area Texas Springs and Furnace Creek campgrounds are good. Sunset Campground is more an overflow parking lot or used by the big motorhome/trailers/fifth wheels because of access. Furnace Creek Campground is central. You can walk to the Visitors Center or the amenities at Furnace Creek Ranch. Don't worry too much about it being crowded. Much of the visitors are driving through or day tripping. Visit the big ticket items early in the morning or later in the day. The light is nicer and it is quieter. Stovepipe Wells is a parking lot affair similar to Sunset at Furnace Creek but it is close to the amenities at Stovepipe. Have a great trip.

We were just in DV ourselves. If you want to visit any of the sites in the north area - Racetrack Playa, Eureka Dunes, or Scotty's Castle, consider Mesquite Springs CG. It is one of the nicer CG's in DV. BTW, you do not need 4WD to visit any of those sites. We also stayed up at Wildrose CG. It is a bit out of the way but gets less use. It is convenient to the Charcoal Kilns and Aguereberry Point but not much else. Have a good trip.
BobM said:
My wife and I are planning to go to Death Valley next month. It's our first time there and I don't have a FWD truck. My Raven is on a standard Ram 1500. Can anyone recommend a good first timer DV campground? Is Furnace Creek too over crowded to be enjoyable?
As Ski3pin mentioned, 4wd is often not a necessity, but tire rating is. The road from Ubehebe to the racetrack has sharp rocks, and can cut lighter rating tires. High clearance is nice as well. That said, we've seen Toyota Corollas and the like in some places that I wouldn't want to take one. Be careful of deep sand and loose alluvial gravel.

If you stay in the Furnace Creek area, Texas Springs is nicest. It's a no generator area, so much quieter that the other two CGs. When we take the Airstream down, we stay at Sunset for the social aspects. There are always other Airstreamers there to hang with. They are much like the WTW folks in that respect, just not into getting back to the more remote areas.

Another vote for Mesquite Springs and Wildrose. Both are nice.

Be aware that DV is not dog friendly. The Rangers will cite you if you have a dog in the backcountry or on a trail. There's always the cactus spines and coyotes, too. Also, a scoreboard at the Furnace Creek CG. It usually says something like: Coyotes 7, Poodles 0. They've even been grabbed while on a leash.
We went ahead and booked a few nights at Furnace creek. Thanks for the ideas everyone! We will scope out future locations while we're there. I have a feeling there will be return visits
BobM said:
We went ahead and booked a few nights at Furnace creek. Thanks for the ideas everyone! We will scope out future locations while we're there. I have a feeling there will be return visits
Texas Springs, across the road from Furnace Creek CG, is the place for a tent or pop-up. There are showers at the swimming pool run by Furnace Creek Ranch just across the road. I can't tell you how many times after week in the outback, a shower, a steak and a beer at Furnace Creek Ranch has been a lifesaver.

I once drove a 1974 2wd Toyota SR5 up to Mahogany Flats CG--no prob--and I have seen Germans in rental sedans up there too. It will likely be closed in winter, but this is the best place to be in high summer.

Have a great trip!
Nice Ski.I think I saw some of my old cars in your pictures.
The one time we went to DV the canyon we hiked into I think is called Mosaic.It was off the 190 road east of the Trona junction road.
It's been many years ago,well in dog years about 1 1/2.Anyway that canyon was cool.
Thanks,waiting for the next episode.
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