Back on the Road - Death Valley National Park

Thanks for another fun read, Ski3pins! There are a lot of Death Valley trip reports, but it never gets boring. I guess that says something about DV.
Great read Ski. I really need to make some time to get down there and poke around. Beautiful area.

An aside - I fell out of my camper on the last trip. It had been raining a little so things were wet. I stepped out onto the bumper, foot slipped... I bounced off the bumper, the hitch mounted step and then flat on my ass. Much to my surprise I wasn't hurt...not even a bruise other than my pride. Guess what footwear I had on? Yep....Romeo's...I hate the things...uncomfortable as heck and slick. But all leather, no laces and easy... :rolleyes: At least I was fully clothed tho. ;)
takesiteasy said:
Yeah, I'll bet this crew can come up with something...
Romeo came to mind immediately. There's Romeo slipping off the balcony again.
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