Baja and California Trip planning in Colorado!


New Member
Nov 20, 2016
Hello Everyone,

My wife and I are headed down to baja this May and would love the chance to meet up with someone local who has done a similar trip so we can pick your brain. We are in the Ft. Collins area but will travel anywhere in Colorado to meet up and chat. We are open to any and all cool things to do on the way to baja, in baja and near baja! You can reach me on here and first round is on us!

Thank you

I copy pasted something I had written before on the forum. I think it's still good advice! One more thing to consider is the fuel protests/riots still going on in developed areas. Plan to carry more fuel than you think you need and fill up whenever you can.

I'm in Baja every couple of weeks. Some short trips, but have spent as long as 40 days camping, surfing, and traveling around. It's far more arid than coastal southern california, with some of the most rugged and dry desert on the continent. The roads can range between perfectly paved 4 lane highways, to dangerously narrow disintegrating roads, to the barely passable dirt tracks with running rivers in arroyos and washouts, and seem to change every time I go back. Every time I go, I find a way I'm underprepared and further equip my vehicle and plan for next time based on my experiences. My Spanish is excellent and has gotten me out of countless issues or misunderstandings that could have otherwise been serious problems. I still, and will always have 3 rules in Mexico; 1: Do not drive at night. This is more to avoid totaling your rig by plowing into the cows, many pitch black, and sleepy tractor trailer drivers, than to avoid banditos, but all three are more likely to cause problems after sundown. 2: Do not travel alone, and when off the main roads, always travel with 2 capable off road vehicles. A flat tire, minor accident, getting stuck, or a minor mechanical problem could turn catastrophic if your 50 miles of desert from help and you don't have an escape plan. 3: Do not stop in Tijuana or any other border town. If you were an opportunistic Federale, drug runner, or petty thief, this is the hot zone for your prime targets. I try to put these areas in my rearview as quickly as possible. Baja is mostly fishing villages and farming and most locals are incredibly friendly and usually interested in interacting with outsiders that respect their culture, land, and way of life. There are great experiences, but also hard lessons to be had in an area that, for the most part, is lawless and wild. It's not too dangerous to explore, but it's certainly not an area where a half dozen hippies with a kg of brickpack reefer can just tool around surfing and eating fish tacos (like the stories my dad tells of roadtripping there in the 70s) and not expect to get rolled sooner or later. Remember that fate favors the prepared!
I think about Baja everyday! MY GF and 2 Dogs have done two 5 weeks trips driving down from Canada. Baja is my happy place. The previous poster has signigicantly more experience there than we do however - but he must love it if he keeps going back. We typically stay on the beaten path and get a very good fix of paradise. We adhere to the 3 rules listed above and go prepared as much as we can. This includes an inspection from our mechanic before we leave, good tires, and enough stuff to deal with minor issues. There is a benefit to driving an older vehicle in Baja as the mechanics know how to fix them! I am told they are cheap and very good. Our experience has been always positive with the exception of one Cop trying to brace us up for our registration - our documents were in order - and we had multiple copies :) So off we went. For us the fun starts around San Felipe - Lots of good info all over the net. Download i Overlander on your smart phone and you will be good to go! We saw WAY more Canadians down there this year than we did in 2016.

While we have had no problems - we do stay vigilant and I do not take anything that I do not want to loose or walk away from (other than my dogs and gf) We typically stay in areas where there are other campers, take our time, and drive slow. The food is amazing and safe if you patronize street vendors with a line up of locals. We usually go solo so the technical off road is not our thing.

Lots of good places to camp and hang out close to the water. Todo Santos, Los Barrilles, LA Bay, Gonzaga - WE HATED CABOSAN LUCAS - the non tourist vibe of Baja is what takes us back.

Let me know if I can offer anything over PM

We will go back every year.

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