Barney Riley


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Much to my surprise I had four days off. Thursday was too hot and too many thunderstorms to take off. Where to go? Black Rock? Down 395? Then I remembered I've been meaning to do the Barney Riley Jeep trail for years. Time to get it done. Figured Centerville Flats campground should be relatively cool.

Trail is relatively easy. Some steep climbs and descents make 4wd and low range mandatory. Fairly long way, further than I expected. From a ridgetop I had a good view of a fire burning in Nevada.

Road was well marked until I got close to the East Fork of the Carson River.

Of course I took a right when I should have gone left. Fortunately found some people along the river who straightened me out. Made it to the River crossing. No longer legal to drive across. The hot springs have been very well cared for. Too bad there were so many people there. Whole family groups. Of course the pool was empty just as I left.


I did take a swim the river. Was much warmer than I expected. Flow wasn't bad but I imagine if you tried to raft it you'd have to walk a few shallow areas. Jeep was running a bit warm so I took the advice to head out a different way, connecting to the Leviathan mine road. Looks like they used to do a lot of ranching along the river.


Hung a right and I was concerned I wasn't on the right road. Maybe I turned too early? Too late? Lemme ask this truck coming down the road. Hmmm, Douglas County Sheriffs. They confirmed I was on the right road. Guess I was closer to Nevada than I thought. I've driven many a blind corner over the years but this was the first time I've seen mirrors.

You can smell the Leviathan mine (former sulfur mine, now superfund site) before you get there. The colors in the ponds are definitely not good.

Heading up the MET there were more than the usual number of bicyclists. Made sense when I saw the signs on 89 warning of closures for the Death Ride next week. Nearly rear ended one van who decided he need to stop suddenly. He never noticed how close he came. Clueless. My fault, I know those type abound on these roads, I should have been expecting it. Centerville Flats was about 1/3 full. All but one of the campers were nice and friendly. The other decided he needed to run his generator all night long. Not a nice quiet Honda either. Perhaps I should have camped up on monitor pass but I was looking for shade.
Familiar territory, thanks for the back seat view. A couple of trips ago we drove the Levitation Mine Road up from 395 to 89. Yes, we took note of the route down to the east fork. We stopped in several spots to get a view of Levitation Mine and the goings on there. Another story of mineral extraction and we the taxpayers paying the attempt at clean up bills. I'm real tired of footing the bills.

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