Beer Can Chicken


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2016
Novato, CA
You need an excuse for taking beer on your camping trip? it is: just google "Beer Can Chicken" and there are a ton of recipes for the rub if you don't want some pre-packaged one off the shelf....plenty on how to cook it over the BBQ as well.

You can probably use the same rub for a hunk of MEAT you may BBQ on the same trip.

This is one you can do a test-run on at home in the back yard to perfect your technique before venturing out into the wild blue yonder this next Spring.
Great to bring this subject up again, since this technique is an experiment in progress with new ideas all the time!

We really enjoy beer can chicken without the beer/beer can. I've been using the beer can holder for over a decade without the beer. Why waste good beer (or even bad beer) on a yard bird when it really doesn't influence the taste or moisture of the meat according to many culinary institutes and test kitchens?

Want a different technique? Empty the beer into your glass, enjoy drinking the beer, carefully cut the top off the beer can pour in some chicken broth (I prefer veggie stock) and then add your favorite spices. You end up with a kind of "mulling spice" concoction that does impart some flavor into the year bird.

But, I generally go without liquid and go a different route. After placing the yard bird on the beer can stand, I invert the stand/bird and stuff the cavity with citrus, lemon, limes, oranges and a couple of bay leaves. This really adds some flavor to the meat, especially the breast.

I usually rub the bird with either Italian or Greek olive oil, Koser salt and fresh ground black pepper.

I haven't had much success cooking a yard bird on a beer can holder, outside, except in a fully enclosed grill; I use a Big Green Egg (not a practical camping tool). You need high heat (~400F) to get nice crisp skin which in turn holds in the moisture in the meat.

Regardless, the "beer can chicken" technique is much better eatin' then any grocery store rotissoier cooked yard bird! Even if you have to cook it in your home oven.
We do beer can chicken on the BBQ regularly. Although I do use a Diet Coke can instead of a beer can. And I use red wine with herbs instead of beer. But we still call it beer can chicken.

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