bent roof


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2007
Interesting and painful experience a few days ago: I came back late from the cantina in Mulege and opened the roof of the Grandby in the dark. I flipped all six latches and went inside to push it up. I lifted the rear first and it took a lot more muscle than usual to get it up. I then went to the front and couldn't get it up at all. Outside to inspect: The back half was up but the front latch on the left side was still hooked and the roof was bent. (See photo.) I thought I had heard all the latches make that second clank when I flipped them but obviously not; possibly due to post-cantina syndrome.

Stan; any thoughts on how to straighten it?


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Total Bummer=

A new roof, it's hard to tell how far across the roof the damage is, but it'll be hard to get that alum. straight again, sorry that happened to you, I've come close to doing the same thing, there's a lesson to learn here. Tell your insurance company a tree fell on it.

Which cantina? I'm looking for a margarita strong enough to allow me to bend the roof.

I have also almost done this to the roof as well. When you have a few drinks these campers our somewhat dangerous. I hope you tipped your bartender good.
does the roof close now? Is it water proof?
Good luck Mate.

Sorry to here about the your roof, I too have almost done that more times than I choose to admit. Luckily for me my wife is usually there to keep me from doing much damage. Keep us posted on the fix.
it's the mixing of testosterone and alcohol...i am all too familiar with the effects...

sorry to see this happen to you....
I would try.... (Use at your own risk) Cut 4 - 2x4 and prop the lid half way up. Put a strap over the front and one over the rear to hold the lid down on your props. Put a 2x4 on edge from the left side to the right side inside the camper up against the ceiling. Use another 2x4 and a jack to jack up the 2x4 at the bend and you should be able to get it fairly straight. Try to make sure there is slack in the canvas because you will probably have to go over center with the process to get it up. you will probably have to look at the trim to make sure that it isn't holding up the operation and recheck once you have it straight. You will probably have to do some resealing on the roof. This will probably straighten it out but I don't know what your new strength (load capacity) on the roof will be at that point. Wouldn't hurt to maybe reinforce from the inside.

The other option would be to get a new roof but all it is up there is aluminum tubes running front to back.
Yikes bobg. You musta eaten the worm. (a.k.a. the Superman Effect)

I have to apologize for my part in this...because since I stopped drinking in '95 there's been a glut of tequila out there. (according to friends who still imbibe)

Hopefully you'll get things out soon.

good luck!

Soooooo, MtnHigh, you're the one to blame.

I have to apologize for my part in this...because since I stopped drinking in '95 there's been a glut of tequila out there. (according to friends who still imbibe)

Do you realize the task you have left to us mere mortals??? Lord knows DD and I did our best to cull the overpopulated beer herds while in Death Valley. And single handedly I have probably destroyed armies of wine bottles. I understand your need to step away from the fight. We shall do our best to carry on without you.
Do you realize the task you have left to us mere mortals??? Lord knows DD and I did our best to cull the overpopulated beer herds while in Death Valley. And single handedly I have probably destroyed armies of wine bottles. I understand your need to step away from the fight. We shall do our best to carry on without you.

Sorry 'bout that, Ted. I did my best to dent the supply while I was at it...

Ahhh...but I've not *completely* stepped away from the fight...

I just changed my drug of choice. who needs a Twinkie?

sorry 'bout the hijack bobg....Get us back on track here...

Did ya try to fix that roof yet?

I'm curious to see if you are able to get this reasonably straight. My camper has almost the same configuration on the other side. The previous owner lent it out and it was returned that way, its bugged me ever since I've had it! Please post the solution and results of your fix. I try and stay away from anything mechanical whenever I get close to Tequila!
still in mexico

I'm still in Mexico so I haven't had a chance to try to fix. Will be sure to give a complete report.

We just got in from the deep boonies west of Loreto. No cantinas out there so I stayed pretty much on crooked and narrow. Had quite an experience on the road (northeast) to Comondu. Will report on that too when time allows.

Hasta luego, Bob
That will buff out. :oops:
I backed out of my side RV pad with the top up (2002 Hawk). Hit the Hawk back roof with the 2x6 on the roof of my house. It was sharper and a deeper bend than you have. I also bent the hinge on the lift panel. Boy was I mad at myself. :mad:

Repaired by doing this. I have some large "C" clamps, put a 2" sq steel tube cross the top. Used a 16" "C" clamp under the bend and on the 2" tube. Slowly tightened the "C" clamp until the bend was touching the 2" tube. When I loosed the "C" clamp it still had a small bend. I put a spacer under each end of the 2" sq tube and tightened the "C" clamp going a little over what would have been straight. Loosened and needed a little more, so [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]tightened [/SIZE]just a little more. I got it almost straight and the hinge also pulled straight. Has to patch a small crack in the lift panel with a sandwich of alum sheet and pot rivets. Not the end of the world, but you will always see it when others will not.

When I went to ATC to have my sides replaced, I had a similar issue although it wasn't as bad. When they had the roof off, they straightened to the point I can't notice it. It was right at the clamp. The answer may be that you have to take the roof off to get enough leverage but a call to ATC or FWC and see what they tell you.
camelracer said:

Which cantina? I'm looking for a margarita strong enough to allow me to bend the roof.

Sorry to hear about your grief but…..This post just cracked me up and Bill's "it will buff out" also made my Sunday morning visit to the forum quite enjoyable. Good luck with your repair and next time your fueled up maybe you can use your super human strength for some good, just a suggestion but if bending metal is your thing then your on the right track.

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