Big Pine Fire South of Bishop


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Site Team
Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
Winds were strong when we drove up Owens Valley on Tuesday morning. There was a fire start yesterday southeast of Bishop and is burning a swath southward east of 395. Big Pine east side of 395 is evacuated. Here's a camera view -

Marzano Peak

Play the 12 hour loop and full screen.
craig333 said:
Pretty scary to see it happen in February.
Same up here. While the probability of a large fire is low to nil, here in Central and I’ll guess a big bit of Eastern Oregon, the agencies are experiencing wildfires already. The Fed Agencies have done some news releases about doing some prescribed fire, other than pile burning. That’s pretty rare for here in February.

Maybe a sign the the Wildfire thread needs to be a sticky. :unsure: :mad: :(
On our walk this morning looking SE there are some thin horizontal
"smoke" looking clouds in the general direction of that fire.

Could be from that fire.Also smokey looking haze down the Salinas Valley.

Sure is way early.
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