Big Rack!


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May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
No need to wander the west to see wildlife, at my house.
There are deer in my yard almost every day -- I don't even notice them anymore except as possible camera subjects to share with FB friends who find it rare and special.

But bucks are rarely seen (in my neighborhood) most of the year and only make an appearance during the season when their glands tell them to throw caution to the wind.

I saw this fellow with the spectacular set of antlers in my yard today, a few minutes ago:


Notice the weird drooped antler branch.

Hey now, fella! Don't you think she's a little young for you?


Oh yeah, that's the stuff. Females love the aggressive approach...


Really an amazing rack!

Bucks do this weird pose with their head and neck during the rut...

He finally acknowledges my presence...but doesn't care at all; he's got just one thing on his mind.

Quite a handsome fellow.

"Dem she-deer are lookin' mighty fine!"

I just wish I'd see predators in my yard once in a while (other than domestic cats and dogs, I mean).
Cool to see that scene playing out in your yard. The whitetail season just started here last weekend. Many hunters out in the woods dreaming of seeing a buck like that!
Very cool, Mr BC. No deer in my yard, only coyotes, hawks, eagles and snakes.

Wanna trade a few? I'll give you one buck and ten does for one coyote and an eagle. (BTW: is that a golden or a bald?)
I don't think my cat would like coyotes and eagles in my yard, but she doesn't go outside much anymore anyway...

What's weird is that there are lots of coyotes in the area -- especially east of Bend...I see them or at least hear them whenever I'm out east. But in the 25+ years in my house I don't think I've ever heard a coyote in the neighborhood.
What's weird is that there are lots of coyotes in the area -- especially east of Bend...I see them or at least hear them whenever I'm out east. But in the 25+ years in my house I don't think I've ever heard a coyote in the neighborhood.

They walk through our outer yard every morning. They're very bold and occasionaly come up the inner fenced area to challenge the dogs through the gate.
They walk through our outer yard every morning. They're very bold and occasionaly come up the inner fenced area to challenge the dogs through the gate.

Jay, didn't you post a photo of a bobcat in your yard...last year I think? That would be really cool to see...
There are occasional -- though rare -- sightings of mountain lions in Bend city limits, so there must be bobcats, too.
We have mostly deer and elk as regular visitors and fence breakers, but also get black bear, coyotes (hear them somewhere in the canyon most nights), an occasional cougar and all the usual little mammals. Lots of hawks, but I'd trade for a few more eagles.
We had a fox nearby all summer, figured it might be a mom with little ones. It would wake us up with its barking just before dawn on many occasions. Two summers we had a mom coyote raise litters in a den just off our property. Deafening racket when a fire truck would go by with the siren on. Mom and all the little ones would join in. Have not seen a lion here but have cleaned up a couple well covered scat piles inside the yard. Bears are just down the hill knocking over careless homeowners trash cans. Deer live off of my poor peach trees.
Wanna trade a few? I'll give you one buck and ten does for one coyote and an eagle. (BTW: is that a golden or a bald?)
I don't think my cat would like coyotes and eagles in my yard, but she doesn't go outside much anymore anyway...

What's weird is that there are lots of coyotes in the area -- especially east of Bend...I see them or at least hear them whenever I'm out east. But in the 25+ years in my house I don't think I've ever heard a coyote in the neighborhood.

Bald eagles. They hang along the Arkansas River in the winter fishing and sometimes wander a few miles onto the plains when they hunger for rabbits or snakes.

I hear coyotes most every night. They seem to enjoy working up all the dogs in the 'hood.
Wow. That’s amazing. He let you get some really great shots. You ought to submit them to the local paper, but then you might attract hunters to your yard instead of does.
How long did he and the does hang out in your yard?

The weird pose is called the Flehmen Response. Ain't Wikipedia great?

The buck was only in my yard and my neighbor's yard for maybe an hour or so...then wandered off. The does hung around. Does and fawns are in my yard almost every day -- though not today.

That's interesting about the Flehman thing.
I get the odd moose or bear in my front yard.

I'll trade you one buck and five does for a moose and a bear.
Well, here it is almost 3 months later and the big-rack-buck is still in the area and still has the big rack.
From my backyard just a few minutes ago...I can see him from where I sit at my computer right now!



And he has a less-well-endowed friend nearby:

"Size isn't everything!", he's saying...
MarkBC, he ought to be dropping those soon. Keep an eye out. :)

Yeah...I was thinking that maybe I'd walk over there and say, "Can I help ya out, buddy?", and give those pesky protuberances a yank, see if they're ready... What could go wrong?
Carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore (not shown -- holding the camera) -- living in harmony.



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