Big Sur to FWC to San Francisco


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2009
El Cajon CA
Jeanne and I decided to get an air conditioner put in the Hawk by FWC. So we decided to turn it into a trip as well. We spent two days going up 101 and 1 to Woodland. We spent one night in Marina on a side street. Summer has started and campsites were not available in Big Sur. We spent Sunday night on the street near the FWC factory. Monday morning they took the camper off and we headed back to San Francisco. We did some touristy things and toured the back hills behind Berkeley and Oakland. We stayed at a hotel in San Pablo. We had to since most hotels were full due to the US Open.

After staying in Vacaville Tuesday night, we picked up the camper Wednesday morning and got the grand tour of the factory. We then did a beeline home on I5.!i=1910721681&k=X7hTDvX


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we might have passed or seen each other at the factory. Grey ford 350, 4 door with a dark haired little girl trying to get into trouble:)
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