Bio-War on Cheatgrass

Yep-had a report on it on Reno TV the other day! Sure hope it works because I still remember all time and efforts we put into getting rid of that crap with very few success stories to show for it! I agree with you that we don't want to unleash something even worse on our poor beat up western Public Lands lands!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
That's good news, but I hope it doesn't have a hidden, adverse impact.
I always fear the cure is worse than the problem when you deal w/ mother nature. There are many examples where there were complications they didn't think of.
A friend has a couple goats to deal with his PNW blackberry bramble. Would they just pass the cheat grass seeds still viable?
While at Grand Teton they were spraying selected areas along the road with a green/blue substance. Wonder if that was Cheatgrass.

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Foy said:
..............and that kudzu is a great ground cover, isn't it?
........but the flowers are pretty and smell nice. Doesn't that count? Besides, a foot per day isn't really too much growth.

Here in Oregon, English Ivy is the new kudzu.

Around here the old saying is: The best way to grow kudzu is to never water it, fertilize it with fuel oil, and mulch it with cinder blocks. It'll do just fine like that.

If they could only get rid of Goat's Head thorn. It seems I get a flat on every bike ride. (These images are from the web)


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