
Senior Member
Sep 3, 2014
Reno, NV

If you don't have plans for Memorial Day already, consider joining us at The Black Rock Rendezvous (the place where Burning Man is held) May 25-28, 2018. I go every year and it's always a blast.

Click here: Black Rock Rendezvous for more information.

Here's the schedule for this year:

Black Rock Rendezvous:
May 25-28, 2018

Join us in the spectacular Black Rock Desert for a weekend of camping, tours, education, service projects, and family fun.

Driving directions and maps will be posted and available at Friends of Black Rock-High Rock at 320 Main St. in Gerlach. We will also post driving directions at the kiosks at the 12 mile entrance.
Some tours have attendance caps. Sign up early when you get on site.
Watch this page or our Facebook Page for updates. Schedule subject to change.
PLEASE RSVP to so we can get a headcount.

Camp on playa at base of Cassidy Mine Rd.
(Alternate Camping site: top of Cassidy Mine)
Friday Day: Partner groups set up.

Early Evening: Early sign up for stewardship project and tours. Raffle tickets available.

6:00 am - 8:00 am
Breakfast provided for volunteers
served by Friends of Nevada Wilderness

8:30 am
Kids Camp registration begins

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Kids Camp
: hosted by Nevada Outdoor School children ages 5 and up.
8:30 am - 11:45 am

  • Welcome & Camp Housekeeping – Michael Myers, Friends of Black Rock-High Rock
  • Introductions from organizations – Friends of Nevada Wilderness, Nevada Outdoor School, BLM
  • Outdoor Ethics Presentation – Jessie Snaman, Nevada Outdoor School
  • Pika Conservation Update – Jane Van Gunst, NDOW
  • Artist-in-Residence, Artist Introductions - TBD
  • Steve Chandler - Shooting Black Rock
  • Rocketeers – Peter Clay, AeroPac
  • Dark Skies - FNW
  • Burning Man Update – Will Roger Peterson, Burning Man
  • Safety/Fire - BLM Fire
  • Pollinator
  • Sunday's Stewardship Projects Overview - Project Leads - BLM, NOS, FBRHR, FNW
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturday Tours: Departure from Center Camp

(bring lunch, hat, water, sunscreen and comfortable, sturdy shoes)
  • Hot Springs Tour - Weather Dependent
  • Leave No Trace Workshop – (Nevada Outdoor School)
  • Photography - Stephen Chandler Workshop
  • Portal Sign Installation
  • Dune & Boundary Markers – Repair fencing at Coyote Dunes. Install playa boundary signs
  • Short Hike – TBD
  • Dutch Oven Cooking Class - TBD

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Dutch Oven Cook-off - Potluck & Community Gathering

8:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Campfire Singalong:
Join several music teachers, brush up on your string skills and join in a singalong around the campfire. Bring your ukelele, guitar, etc.
10:00 pm
Quiet Camp

6:00 am - 8:00 am
Breakfast provided for Volunteers
Served by Friends of Nevada Wilderness
8:30 am
Kids Camp registration begins

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Kids Camp
Hosted by Nevada Outdoor School.
Children ages 5 and up
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Stewardship Projects: Departure from Center Camp
(bring lunch, hat, water, sunscreen and comfortable, sturdy shoes)
  • Sulphur Cabin/Sign Installation/Barriers – Sulphur recreation improvements
  • Black Rock Hot Springs Clean Up (weather dependent)
Sunday Tours: Departure from Center Camp
(bring lunch, hat, water, sunscreen and comfortable, sturdy shoes)
  • Geode Tour: Kevin Williams (weather dependent)
  • Fly Canyon & Beyond: Margie Reynolds
  • Mormon Dan Hike:

Self Guided Tours Saturday or Sunday
  • Guru Road
  • Planet X Pottery
  • Rocket Launches (launches take place all weekend depending on wind and other conditions. There may even be a night launch. GPS coordinates to Rocket Camp available at the main camp)

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Community Grill & Feast

BYO items for our grill and dishes to share for the potluck - taco/burrito theme.
Raffle at 7:00 pm

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Playa Slam
: bring your guitar, harmonica or recite cowboy poetry

10:00 pm
Quiet Camp

7:00 am - 8:00 am
Community Breakfast

Open to all. Provided by Don and Carol Montgomery

Mid-morning - Camp teardown
Leave No Trace principles. Camp clean up. Pack out all that you brought in.
Schedule is subject to change. All tours and activities, including camping location, are dependent on weather. Alternate plans may go into effect.
For more info call 775-557-2900
Can you let us know the average day/night temps for this area of Nevada during the scheduled time slot? Thanks.
LiveLifeNow said:
Can you let us know the average day/night temps for this area of Nevada during the scheduled time slot? Thanks.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I just saw your message. Daytime highs should be in the 80s and should be in the high 50s to low 60s overnight. It should be much cooler than it was last year
Just a reminder for anyone looking for something fun to do over the memorial day weekend if you are close to northern Nevada.
We were near there and turned tail when the “unsettled weather” came in. Rain, wind, thunder and lightning. Weather was better in the PNW. We explored Warner Mountains, Sheldon, a few back roads like Hays Canyon, Lost Creek and others. We love the desolation and isolation coming from the verdant green PNW. Nice area to find peace and quiet. Both BLM and USFS offices are very helpful in Cedarville. We checked out Stough Reservoir as a campground. Very nice but boondocked south of Cedarville on a USFS Road where we have before. Hope you didn’t get flooded out.
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