blankets or sleeping bag?

I have a rectangular 0* bag I picked up in Grand Junction Colorado at the Wiggys factory there. Great bags, great company. American made quality. They have a number of military contracts and many of the bags come in Multicam. The "Hunter" was the only one that fit my big frame. It has a mummy bag type head cover and the rest is a rectangle. It's nice zipped up or fits the extended Hawk bed nicely when opened. Below that I have a new Wally World fleece blanket and one shear top sheet. Plus a 1.5" memory foam, which makes all the difference in comfort.
+1 on Wally World memory foam. I bought it to soft up the super firm foam in my Hawk. The added bonus I discovered the past 2 nights is the insulating value of the memory foam.

26F up on the last night. Was warm wrapped in a queen down comforter. Use a fleece blanket tucked in at the feet.

If below freezing, and motorcycle camping, I much prefer the warmth of the Snugpak UK made mummy bags. But I'm a restless sleeper and I'm fighting the mummy at times. But warmth trumps restlessness IMO.
Wiggy's made gear is great stuff. Spendy...., but there is nothing else like it, or even close. Too heavy for backpacking, tho.
Great emergency bags/gear. Can be vacuum packed down to a small size for long term storage without loss of thermal insulation capability. Even insulates well when damp.
However, I don't need all that $$$ capability in a well insulated camper, in well below freezing temps, with heat off.
My indoor square couples bag with a thick fleece blanket tucked under at the feet does excellent.
This is sleeping on memory foam topper over ~4" camper mattress in cab over with cold air circulating under the CO.

Edit for adnl info: unique insulation in Wiggy's....
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