Bodega Bay - March 2014

Glad to see you come to the coast.Even if you have to stay in CGs it's the hikes and scenery that counts.
But yes bad neighbors can be a real bummer.
Sounds like you had a great time.We always enjoy the coast,even if we must stay in a improved campground. That's the price you pay for the different experience.
Thanks for the travel-along. (great word montana-moods).
Wonderful report. Happy to hear the Sandpiper's got its act back together. It used to be great, but a year ago I had a very disappointing breakfast there.

Spud Point Crabs are super yummy!

It is a lovely place, Bodega, although I gottoo say I prefer it in the off seasons to the summer:
1. less crowded, and 2. usually less windy.

I've thought about the Westside CG, because of the available walks, but often found pretty bizarre types partying there. Been lucky with Doran, maybe just luck.
When I was growing up, that place was less visited and simpiler, still remember all the clam chowder and beer I had at the Tides not that long ago, but nothing ever lasts. People it seems have discovered it. Still is a scenic and "salty" place, and Goat Rock was the place I went to when I had a major decision to make ( like joining the the army or going back to school), and I needed to think (even thought I'd like my ashes dumped there at one time) and having those many family weekends on the beach serf fishing on the Sonoma coast; but, over the years, to many people have discovered that area and I had to move north to Point Arena, Elk and Manchester SB and now Westport Landing SB, the Lost Coast and the Oregon coast-usually less people and more primative beaches! But all in all, it was nice to see my old stomping grounds around Bodega Bay-thanks for taking us along-it brought back those memories when times were simpiler (or where they) and many good memories!

Nice report. The California coast is a special place and worthy of its reputation (and unfortunately the resulting heavy use). The bathtub races notice reminded me of the milk carton boat races that are a cherished part of our summer "Aquatennial Celebration" that occurs every year in July. Always good entertainment as outlandish boats constructed of milk cartons take to the lake to race, and often fall apart, dunking their passengers in the drink. Good times.
As always a great read and adventure especially when stuck at home. We look forward to the day we can get out as much as the two of you do. Thanks for the ride along!

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