Brewery Expedition


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Finally got a three day weekend. My first thought was grab the kayak and head to ice house or grab the snow shoes and look for snow but then I thought why not head for the coast? Its time I visited Russian River brewing and some others. Besides I've been wanting to see Boonville for some time. Headed out Friday for Santa Rosa. Russian River Brewing was crowded but I found a seat at the bar. Sampled some blind pig. Ordered some Pliny to go. Oops. I'm used to 12 beer cases. When they told me how much a case of Pliny was I almost choked. Thankfully I'm much to stubborn to admit I made a mistake and just handed over my credit card. Anyone need a couple Pliny the Elder? No pics, left my camera in the truck.

Headed on up to 128 and over to Anderson Valley Brewing. Friday and they close at 7pm? They had some very interesting brews.

Because most of the campgrounds were closed I ended up at Hendy Woods State Park. Very old school campground that also had these little cabins.

Expensive campground at $35 a night but it does have flush toilets and showers. Only a couple spots taken. I did do the big tree hike. They even have a nice half mile wheel chair accessible hike.

Next up after breakfast at the Redwood Cafe in Boonville was a trek to the oceans. Rather than take 128 I took some little county road. It was worth it. Check your brakes first.

Then on up to MacKerricher State Park. I planned to camp there but wouldn't you know it all the campgrounds were closed for sewage system reconstruction :( I did head over to the beach. Nice boardwalk now that wasn't there last time I was here. Checked out the tidepools before heading back to Fort Bragg. No pics, left my camera in the truck again. I planned to lunch at the Lost Coast brewery and figure out plan b but they don't open until 4pm. Picked up some bacon at Roundman's and some food at Safeway ( I hadn't planned on cooking on this trip ). It was cold and foggy so I decided to head inland and explore a bit of the Mendocino NF. No map with me other than my atlas, if I had had one I might not have gone this way. Headed over Pillsbury Reservoir. Not much to look and I discovered this is a large OHV area. Found a spot to spend the night at.

I don't usually cook indoors but since I didn't bring anything else here's the obligatory bacon shot.

For an OHV area I didn't see any OHV's, at first. I just left camp too early, on the way out there they were headed uphill. Oddly enough this area is open in the winter and closed in the summer. Bassackwards of the Sierras. The slight chance of rain was coming down so I pretty much just hoofed it home.
Now that is a great idea for a trip- find some breweries and go visit them! Thanks for posting your report- brought back memories of our recent visit to the coast. Also sad that I can't just run by Roundman's for some smoked treats whenever I want. Good stuff.
I should mention, it pays to avoid the small towns for fuel. 4.79 for diesel in boonville. I had a quarter tank when I hit fort bragg and found it for 4.29. Even better was the 3.99 at one of the indian casinos on the way back.
I hit that place a few years back on our trip I was very sad to only have an hour or so to hang before needing to roll for the coast (sunset). Did you try the oak aged sour belgain (suplification?)? That is awesome.
I hit that place a few years back on our trip I was very sad to only have an hour or so to hang before needing to roll for the coast (sunset). Did you try the oak aged sour belgain (suplification?)? That is awesome.

No, not much of a fan of sour beers. James, swing on by and I can hook you up. Or lemme know where you might be camping. I just heard I have another three day weekend coming up.
No, not much of a fan of sour beers. James, swing on by and I can hook you up. Or lemme know where you might be camping. I just heard I have another three day weekend coming up.

Sounds good, I'm not sure where your at but I'm in Reno and will be heading to Clear lake late March, and then New Melones the second week of April. I'll see if your around during these times. I've only had one Pilney so far and loved it, picked it up at Ikedas in Auburn and it hasn't been back since. I've also stopped at three different stores in Truckee, twice, on the way back to Reno and struck out on both occasions. That brewery is on my mind as a must do, I'd love to taste it on draft.
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