Bristlecone Forest And Lake Crowley


Advanced Member
Jan 15, 2008
I haven't been around WTW for a while and thought I'd try to jump in and post some pics of our recent trip....been envious in the past that everyone else has better stuff to show off!

Wife and I decided to do Thanksgiving on our own and do some exploring in places we've heard others here mention....first night was at Grandview CG a few miles below the Schulman Grove in the Bristlecone Forest above Big Pine....had the entire place to ourselves except for some guy who pulled in after we had gone to bed

got pretty cold, but what the heck, that's why we have a heater, right?

Next day, decided to go up beyond Bishop and find a decent dispersed camp above Lake was a nice and clear when we went to bed, but when I got up to fix the morning coffee.....

the icicles were a clue

turns out it got down to about 22 degrees

the road didn't look at all like this when we came in!!

Fortunately, I had enough Knob Creek to last a couple more days, but we made it out!
Good times George! Can't beat nature with no crowds and a little snow never hurt a wanderer with a furnace :)
So how cold do people go out in? On my way to Alaska last May the coldest temp I hit was in Arizona :LOL: near Springerville @21. One night last December I think it was 11 in Green River UT (and the campground bathroom was closed :( . I have to make a quick trip to Flagstaff and it looks like any camping could hit single digits, brrrr. I have a heater but that gets chilly. And now I have an extra dog that has virtually no fur :eek:

have actually hiked and camped in snow with the scouts....imagine that, in some sick weird way intentionally going out and looking to get snowed on and sleeping out in it! So the Bristlecone Forest was about 27 degrees when we got up, and Lake Crowley was 22 degrees when we got up....been thinking I want to get one of the those thermometers that tells you what the lowest temp was overnight....not exactly sure why I want to know that :unsure:


"warm is good"!! especially if you like who you're making warm with...

about a week before this trip I was out in the desert hunting quail with a little cool one of the nights...unfortunately, some of the folks (sleeping in tents) were suggesting "gun-play" if they heard my heater go on again :LOL:
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