California coyotes better watch out!

OR-7's brother swam the Snake River and went to Idaho............................


Hmmm...back to the family homeland.
From Oregon Wild and Oregon Wolves Facebook page today:

Wolf OR-7 back in Oregon from California

By Staff Published: Mar 2, 2012 at 10:25 AM PST
Wolf OR-7 was located in Oregon for the first time since late December at noon Thursday.
As of 12:00 a.m. Friday, he was in Jackson County.

OR-7 had been in northern Siskiyou County, Calif., less than 10 miles from the Oregon-California border for the past 12 days. While OR-7 crossed a state boundary yesterday, his movement was small, only traveling about 30 miles.

“While wolves crossing state boundaries may be significant for people, wolves and other wildlife don’t pay attention to state borders,” said Russ Morgan, ODFW wolf coordinator. “It’s possible OR-7 will cross back into California and be using areas in both states. ODFW will continue to monitor his location and coordinate with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Fish and Game.”

While OR-7 is west of Highways 395-78-95 in Oregon, he remains protected by both the federal and state Endangered Species Acts.

OR-7 left the Imnaha pack in September 2011 and went through Baker, Grant, Lake, Crook, Harney, Deschutes, Klamath and Jackson counties before entering California on Dec. 28, 2011.

While in California, he travelled through eastern Siskiyou County, northeastern Shasta County and then resided in Lassen County for a few weeks.

On Feb. 11 he re-entered Shasta County. About a week later he crossed north into Siskiyou County.

California Fish and Game has been updating his status on their Web site.
Looks like someone has recently taken a photo of OR-7 (aka "Journey" by some in Oregon):

Journey in Color

Hey Mark, Maybe it wasn't a snake Bob heard the other night-it was Od-7!
Go Or-7, go, some nice girl wolf gotta think you are a handsummmm fellow!
An update to the OR-7 wolf saga:

OR-7 back in Oregon
Rambling wolf swam the Klamath
By Dylan J. Darling / The Bulletin
Published: March 14. 2013

A partial clip of the story that appeared in today's Bend Bulletin:
Go Or-7-, we hope you had a good time here in California-even if you didn't find that cute little female wolf you were looking for here-find someone up in Oregon and have a good life! I guess that sounds sort of corny but I sure enjoyed following him around on the net and looking for him in my own wanderings around here and also wondering if Ted and Mrs Ted would ever find or hear him in their searches. It's sort of sad he's gone because every time I've been out I sort of listen and hope maybe I'll see or hear him.

Mrs Ted read OR-7 had returned to Oregon on the F&G website earlier this week. Sigh, no confirmed sightings but not for lack of trying. Thanks for the excitement Journey.
...It's sort of sad he's gone because every time I've been out I sort of listen and hope maybe I'll see or hear him.

It is sad, Smoke -- the loss of wildness and the yearning for it...what will never be again.
Gets me choked up, and I'm not kiddin'

"The West of which I speak is but another name for the Wild; and what I have been preparing to say is, that in Wildness is the preservation of the world."
- Walking, H. D. Thoreau
takesiteasy said:
Cool! Last I had heard, he had just found a mate. The old boy didn't waste any time!
Well, yeah -- the last few years he'd spent his evenings bowling and playing cards, and that gets old.
MarkBC said:
Well, yeah -- the last few years he'd spent his evenings bowling and playing cards, and that gets old.

Good for OR7! Wonder what they are going to name the little critters?
Being wolves I doubt they name their pups. If I had to guess I'd think a wolf would use names like junior and missy.
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