Camper in a tight squeeze ?


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2007
Woodland, CA
Thought I would post these before I put them on our customer board in the lobby.

Classic picture of a camper in a tight squeeze !



  • Toyota Tacoma with Falcon Model # 1.jpg
    Toyota Tacoma with Falcon Model # 1.jpg
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  • Toyota Tacoma with Falcon Model # 2.jpg
    Toyota Tacoma with Falcon Model # 2.jpg
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  • Toyota Tacoma with Falcon Model # 3.jpg
    Toyota Tacoma with Falcon Model # 3.jpg
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That's close

A good demonstration of how smaller is better. There is no way my Dodge or Chevy would fit through that narrow passage.
Ah yes, the infamous "Squeeze Play" coming into the southern part of the Needles District in Canyonlands National Park. A classic obstacle.

I squeezed through that one as well during my Canyonlands trip. I've seen pics of a Sportsmobile wiggling through there as well. You have to fold in your mirrors, cinch up your belt and think "thin" thoughts to get through that one.

Great pics Stan. A real testament to the go-anywhere capabilities of a FWC. :thumb:
Great pics. So far everything I have hit has been weaker than the camper :D
is the camper not a little wider than the truck?
obviously the mirrors would have to fold in....

i guess i should not truck has a number of "character marks".
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