Camper insurance - mounted full time

Dogman Ventura said:
I am with USAA. I have called them at least 8 different times over the last 13 years and asked if I need additional coverage. I called them when I got a new camper in April and again when I got a new truck in August. The answer every time has been no, my truck coverage covers the camper.
What happens when you take it off the camper?
ie. you are storing it at a storage compound for the winter.

Is it covered by the the truck insurance.
Bill D said:
What happens when you take it off the camper?
ie. you are storing it at a storage compound for the winter.

Is it covered by the the truck insurance.

I do not take it off. But if it were at my house off the truck, it would be covered under my homeowner's policy, subject to the same deductibles, etc. I asked. But I did not ask about a storage yard. I assume it would not be covered by either. The truck insurance only covers it while it is secured to the truck.
I worked for AAA in No Cal for many years. If you want to cover the camper for physical damage like collision,fire,theft,or if a tree falls on it, it has to be listed as an item on your policy.There would be a charge for comprehensive and collision and also has a deductible separate from your deductible on your car/truck Liability is covered while the camper is mounted on your truck without any additional premiums. Home owners insurance does not cover your camper but does cover most personal property items like clothes, camping gear,electronics, etc. Every insurance company is different on their coverage - do not depend on what someone else's insurance company says. Insurance companies also change their coverages so what might be covered today can change at your next renewal. Call your agent and ask specifically that you want your camper covered for physical damage if that's what you want- if they say you don't need to do anything - get it in writing or verify with an e-mail. You need a paper trail if you're declined coverage. Remember - nothing is free !! Now if you don't care about covering the camper if it get totaled along with your truck you don't have to add any coverage. It is considered part of your truck while attached to it and liability coverages apply. That said - it's been 5 years since I worked at AAA so coverages might have changed. Call your agent !!!!!
This thread reminded me that I needed to see about my own coverage for my 2015 FWC Hawk. I called my insurer, Liberty Mutual. They told me that I needed to add the camper to my auto policy. I got comprehensive and collision (with a $500 deductible for an event that was my fault and no deductible for an event that isn't) for $140 extra on my auto policy. It is not a lot of money for the peace of mind.

They said that any loss of content would be covered by my homeowners policy.
dakozicki said:
This thread reminded me that I needed to see about my own coverage for my 2015 FWC Hawk. I called my insurer, Liberty Mutual. They told me that I needed to add the camper to my auto policy. I got comprehensive and collision (with a $500 deductible for an event that was my fault and no deductible for an event that isn't) for $140 extra on my auto policy. It is not a lot of money for the peace of mind.

They said that any loss of content would be covered by my homeowners policy.
I had liberty mutual and they told me the same thing. I was covered to $40k for the camper, auto while on truck and home owners when off. After a year I called to confirm coverage and after speaking with several people and hearing several different opinions of what my actual coverage was a manager they said it was covered to $7500 while on the truck and not covered while off the truck. I dropped them and switched to Geico because of this. Get it in writing that you're covered to x dollars. Liberty Mutual told me they offer no coverage over $19,999 for truck campers and to cover the camper to that level was going to cost me more than $600/year.
Bill D said:
I'm in Canada so you likely can't help me, but does the add on policy actually state in writing the issues that I was concerned with up above. I'll paste them below here again.

I'm not confident that home owners insurance is going to cover your camper if:
-you get rear ended by someone

-you go on a hike and come back and find your camper or vehicle stolen.

I'm not confident that your auto insurance is going to cover you if:

You have your camper stored in your yard and someone steals it
Sorry Bill, I just saw this....

In theory it would cover that because I asked those exact questions. On our end we can add additional coverages for additional equipment. I would also get it all in emails so you can show as evidence if necessary if push came to shove.
AAA separate collision and comprehensive coverage on both truck and camper, camper on full time. Full coverage on camper is dirt cheap, $16 with $150 deductible.
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