camping directory/guide

Well, more research discovered thiswebsite that DD and Home Skillet have. At least I think this is the right link. If wifi is available then this may be the ticket and will definitely be of immense help in planning a trip. Now, to find a wifi antenna.

I imagine that's a good thing, for an artist.

For artistic endeavors, yes. For life, no. Left brainers rule: pencil pushers/engineers/IT people/financial sector, etc. seem to be the power core. Photoshop, for instance is all about 1s and 0s and the programmers along with marketing input put in fifty different ways to do the same action. That is why I just blew $600 on Nik Software and On One software for ease of manipulating images. Sliders and presets without a lot of masks/selections/layers/channels to diddle with.
Specific to nevada/california but pretty good site

Thanks. What a great site.I have written the the address into my book of maps.Only lightly scanned a few spots but great info.

Welcome to the WTW family.

Specific to nevada/california but pretty good site

That's a good one, Chuck. Thanks.
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