Camping with Cat

Continued optimism for creating a Camping-Cat, based on my latest test run. :)

Based on how well the cat did in her carrier to/from the vet, I took her for a drive in my truck yesterday, in the "Pet Taxi" carrier on the passenger seat. She did well for most of the time, about an hour. I drove east from Bend (through heavy smoke, BTW), about 25 miles out in the high desert, then parked and let her out of the carrier to wander around/explore the cab. She lay quietly in the carrier almost the whole time, she yowled a bit when loose in the cab, looking out the window at the sagebrush desert near Pine Mt, but was calm and quiet when back in the carrier on the ride home.
This is much, much better than her panic-panting behavior the last time I tried a long drive with her, last September.

Tonight or tomorrow night we're going to "camp" in the camper at home, the first test of that aspect of this project.

glad you have not given up on taking your cat on your travels.

"bella" is now on her 5th year with us and always with us on all of our travels.

i do have to admit she is more comfortable in our tiger than in the 4w pop up.

when we start to load for a trip i put her food dish (dry food) in the camper

this gives her warning that we will be leaving .

i have found that when we are going real slow on back country/4x4.etc trails she loves to sit on

my lap and hang out the window,i feel that the slow speed lets a cat digest the movement better

because at highway speed she seems more nervous and will not look out the window.

we always keep her on a leash and harness it is kept on a hook in the tiger when we all get in to go

she scratchs on the harness as if to say hook me up so i,m ready to get out to explore.

keep the cat stories coming!

Les, thanks for your encouragement and personal-experience advice.

Since Kitty sleeps, or rests her eyes while reclining, probably 20 hours/day I think she'll be OK with this new place to sleep once she gets used to it.
I'm going to look into how to connect my truck-cab sliding window with the camper front-slider, whether with a full-on connecting boot or with a fat gasket...seems like the ability to access either at will would be good for cat-contentment.

you might try a bike inner tube,just place it between truck and camper then inflate
worked for me all the time we had 4 wheel pop up.

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