Cell phone range extenders

Since September when I got my new Samsung Galaxy S6 it hasn't worked (or hardly worked) with my Sleek 4G-V.
It still seems to work with my now-retired HCT One (M7). Since the SIM card is deactivated in the HTC One it can't access the Verizon Network fully, but it still has a signal and the signal does still appear to be boosted as before.

With the Samsung S6 it seems to work for a few minutes if I put it in airplane mode then turn off airplane mode...but then it seems to ignore the boosted signal from the Sleek and just fix on the direct signal. I did this test in a local location where the signal is small but not zero.

Weird. I haven't yet contacted Wilson -- now known as WeBoost -- but I think I'll do that and see if this is a known issue.
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