Central America tour in our 4 wheel camper


Advanced Member
Jan 8, 2007
I have posted here many times before but I would like to share with those of you who have not heard our story. My husband and I drove our 4 wheel camper across Mexico into Central America to Costa Rica. We traveled for six months and lived in our camper. This was a life changing experience and I incourage all my 4 wheel camper friends to drive south. You can check out our story by clicking on the link below. Click on our earlier posts to get the whole story. The most recent posts are just of our lives now in Costa Rica.


Angelina Smiley
Nice to see you are still going strong and living the dream.

I was down in Playa Gigante back in May/June, you guys weren't there at that time were you? I'm pretty sure I would have noticed a FWC on my village walks.
to SunMan

Hi SunMan,

We were not there at that time. What a beautiful place Gigante is huh! Did you meet Dale Dagger? Where did you stay? Did you surf or fish?

A very beautiful place indeed. Didn't meet Dale, but saw his boat out and about most everyday. I stayed at Giantsfoot with Carol, Zach and Chapin. Surfed Colorado's and Rosada mostly, unfortunately never scored Manzanillo.
Wow, what a fantastic adventure, the kind of departure from the typical life in the U.S. I always dreamed of in decades past, good for you, best of luck and keep posting.
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I think we talked about this before. We know Chapin from Newport Beach, Ca "our home town." My husband Dorian surfed around him alot. We saw them there when we visited. Small world huh! Where do you plan on visiting next?


Thanks for your support. I hope you checked out our 2007 posts on our blog. Agua Clara was amazing. Mexico is so close to the states and offers so much in traveling.

Thanks for your words. We are excited to have our first baby. It is a girl, I am 4 months along and we are going to name her Coral. We get citizenship in Costa Rica having her here.
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