Chiricahuas, Se Az


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2008
Southern Appalachians
Sorry but on the trip to Utah a few weeks ago the camera died so no pics but I wanted to promote this area of SE AZ.

Did 3 nights camping starting by Cave Creek which is near the NM/AZ border and around 5000'. Nice stream, great canyon walls, and no other campers. Next went to near 8000' and Rustler Park. Spectacular views, nice campsites, lots of turkeys, no other campers. Then went to the Chiricahua Nation Monument for the scenic drive and around the South side of the mountains to Rucker Canyon and Cypress Park CG, again no people, a few fish, more cattle, but a great trip. Don't know how busy it gets other times as I'm sure it is a nice respite from the surrounding desert.

Might make a nice spot for a camper get tether. I think they close off the higher elevations pretty soon. I saw just a touch of snow in the shade and it was below freezing overnight.
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